Advantages of Learning an Instrument Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, Entertainment, Learning, Music
📌Words: 392
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

Many parents these days want their kid to learn an instrument for various reasons. While it undeniably comes with advantages, there are also some disadvantages to it.

Learning an instrument can involve huge financial investments. Not only does the child need a teacher, it also needs an instrument. Obviously, it depends on which instrument one is trying to learn, but some of them, like pianos start at minimum of 3000€, when trying to buy a quality one. Together with the lessons, this results in quite a huge amount of money.

However, money is not the only deterrence. Learning an instrument, especially at the beginning, can be quite frustrating and time-consuming. Many children are not willing to undergo hours of practice and would rather go and play with their friends, for example. 

Even if one is willing to put in the hours and practice to overcome these struggles, it does not really help them in their future job career. The job and future of a musician is quite uncertain. Often times the salary is quite low and even if they manage to have a big breakthrough most musicians live a very unhealthy life, with shows all around the world and the aim to please so many people can be physically and emotionally draining.

While all these disadvantages are very real, there is still a considerable amount of advantages of leaning an instrument early.

When the beginning struggle is overcome, playing one’s instrument is quite fun and helps building confidence as one gets a feeling of accomplishment. Aside from the confidence, learning an instrument improves motor skills and memory. A musician has to be able to react quickly, move their body in very precise ways and learn endless music sheets. 

The ability to play an instrument can also help in the social environment. Making music is a great opportunity to make friends, be it at a campfire at night, singing songs to the sounds of a guitar, singing or playing an instrument in the school choir or form a band with other musicians. 

That’s not all though. If one is really talented at this craft, they might be able to make it into a career. And although it is physically and emotionally draining, most musicians would not want to have another job. 

In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I know from my own experience how hard the start of one’s musical journey can and will be. I recommend parents to have their child learn an instrument, provided there is enough money for an instrument and a teacher.

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