Admission Essay Example: Yale University

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 1268
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 13 July 2022

Hello, I am aware admission officers have already read dozens of applications. Many are attempting to build a strong foundation on why they should be accepted as compared to others who applied to Yale. However, they are failing to do so, as they are not explaining to you why they should be accepted. Instead, they are explaining why they should not be rejected. Not being rejected does not mean you are guaranteed to be admitted. It is unlikely that you will be accepted if you build an impressive defensive foundation. Such as; excellent grades, SAT scores, and ACT scores, without caring to assemble a reliable offense strategy, such as; essays, extracurricular activities, interests in fields.  

Over the past few years, I have been researching how I can successfully execute goals that will gravitate me towards what I want to do in the future. One of these goals is to get into my dream college: Yale University. So while I was in middle school, I took the time to research how to stand out compared to other applicants. Then, I combined these concepts with what I wish to pursue in life. I have noticed applicants who do receive admission from Yale. Do not only have excellent grades. They also are experienced in the field that they are pursuing. They show that they are eager to get into Yale University and show that they genuinely have an interest in the activities and subjects they dedicate their time to. These different aspects that rest on their applications allow them to stand out drastically. 

Many students believe that having astonishing academic achievements will guarantee that they will be admitted into their dream university. However, despite this being a big part of their chance of getting enrolled. Universities are looking for scholars who will not only be astounding students but also astounding adults. People who turn their interests from earlier years into careers that activate them to continue participating in those interests. Who do not waste time studying a career path that they do not truly feel passionate about solely based on the fact that other people approve of it. People who use critical thinking to make rational decisions on their future instead of preparing it to plummet early on. Colleges rely on these types of students to bring something unique to their schools; usually, something resulting in a promising career. As a way to generate revenue as they can not easily get rid of the buildings, staff, etc. that they have paid for previously. 

That being said, I will not waste your time and speak about why you should not reject me and instead tell you why you should accept me. I refuse to explain the accomplishments that I have completed in high school. Many of which many students are going to explain to you if they receive this prompt. Considering that would just be a waste of time because it is generic. Not only that but you likely already know about my accomplishments as they will be listed somewhere on my application. I would rather tell you about my failures that occurred outside school and how they motivated me to grow as a person. I have failed many times in my life so this will not be difficult. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason, and those failures will only severely affect you if you allow them to do so.

I have had many failed attempts in business. I have attempted many different business ideas, and it keeps failing over and over again. I watched many different videos and educated myself on how to be intelligent financially, and how to have a healthy mindset before jumping into stuff like this. I made sure to only create businesses off of topics I have an interest in. However, I still failed to successfully establish one, due to the lack of risk I can take while operating these businesses. I do not have enough money to invest in my ideas, I do not know many people involved in the business scene, and I constantly have a lack of time to put into these projects. Despite this, the videos that I had watched previously motivated me to not give up and instead take time to figure out what I had previously done wrong in whatever business idea failed to take off. This process is called growth vs fixed mindset. 

A fixed mindset means that you believe that you are unable to develop and that how you are currently is how you will be forever. A growth mindset is believing that you can grow and motivating yourself to do better than you are doing currently. The truth about it is that no one with a fixed mindset is going to ever reach the goal that they want to achieve. This is because people with this mindset constantly give up before they can even reach it. People with this mindset are also easily discouraged so when they face obstacles they believe it means that they will never overcome them. People with a growth mindset on the other hand take these obstacles and develop them into strategies that will help them not make the same mistakes. I have mentioned before that this mindset originated from when I used to watch entrepreneur videos. However, there is a book that inspired me even more.

The book is called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. In this book, the author informs the reader about different experiences that successful and wealthy people known worldwide went through. That teaches important lessons and helps you to develop a wealthy mindset. One of the examples that stuck out to me is Napoleon Hill’s Three Feet From Gold chapter. The summary of this chapter states that a person can attempt to chase their dreams. However, if they do not have enough courage to continue them they will quit. Without knowing how far they were from reaching them. I took this knowledge and kept on creating businesses that were of my interest until I finally succeeded. 

Xino is a company that I created in the year 2021, it is a retail company that works to resell high-quality products that are also interesting. At first, like other companies, this one was not doing well. I did not make any revenue in the first few months but kept searching for opportunities to grow my business. Until fortunately I found one, a huge company that goes by the name of Pagefly decided to do a Holiday Website Decoration Campaign. They were searching for Shopify store owners who were interested in participating in it. So I signed up for their campaign and was fortunate enough to get in. This created an array of chances to establish a good name for me in the business industry. They worked on my marketing and developed my website to be attracted to the viewer’s eye. Then, they promoted my website on their website, and I finally started receiving attraction. As you can see these failures can do a lot for a person as long as that person sought out to develop from them.

You may be wondering if I dedicated all this time to business and marketing then why would I be interested in becoming an Orthopedic Surgeon. Is that not a waste of time in college and medical school? To that, I will state no, it is not a waste of time in medical school. My business plays a huge part in my dream to become an Orthopedic Surgeon. The whole reason I created that business was that I am obligated to pay tuition to enroll in these universities. Unless I were to receive a full scholarship which is pretty unlikely when getting accepted into an Ivy League school. So I decided to create a business as a way to generate money years before I reach that point. So I will have enough money to pave a way for my dreams to come true. Not only that but these skills that I grasp in the business world will also allow me to create a medical center. It also encourages me to start my research studies without someone else being in charge of me.

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