Persuasive Essay Example on the Benefits of Public School

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 322
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Studies have shown that going to public school will increase your child's academic opportunity and knowledge. Although people would assume private schools would have better resources they’re wrong. Statistics say that “public schools often have the resources to offer more academic opportunities like advanced classes and courses in specialized subjects like technology and the arts” (Chan). As a parent they want the best for their child and future. Public schools have more of these opportunities and classes that can take your child's learning to another level. These advantages can boost your child's learning and give them the ability to try new things. The ability to have more academic opportunities can translate to your child's life outside of school. This can also determine what college they get into by setting up the path for your child's future and what jobs they want to apply to.

Public school is a better and more affordable route for parents. The cost to attend private school is a factor parents should consider because “higher family income facilitates both public and private school choice. Because most private schools charge tuition, only parents with the personal financial resources or financial aid to afford the tuition truly have the option of selecting a private school” (Education Statistics). The cost of private and public school is usually one of the determining factors when deciding schools. 

Since public school is the more affordable route parents tend to lean toward that side more often. Choosing public school will save money and continue to keep a stable family. This can be the more suitable option so parents can spend that money on necessities that the family needs. Although some would argue that private schools are better due to their smaller class size, I would disagree because a lot of students learn better when they are in a big class with kids that they can make friends with and can learn with! Your child will receive better education and the chance to make friends at public school, this will allow your child to socialize and set a better path for the future. 

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