Increasing Gym Time in School Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School, Sports
📌Words: 462
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 August 2022

The actual purpose of physical education is not only to make kids healthier, but to make them smarter. Although, the current amount of gym being provided is less. Gym is a subject that many students look forward to participating in. Despite the fact that students do not have enough time to play in the gym. In my opinion, if there was an increase in physical education it would improve both our physical and mental health in various ways. 

As I mentioned earlier, I believe that it is not fair that students do not get more time on a subject most of the time enjoy. In today’s day and age students tend to feel less energetic, and are more zoned out in class. As it may be due to the fact that students aren’t producing enough Dopamine, which causes them to be less enthusiastic in class. Dopamine is a chemical which allows you to feel pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation. When you exercise, your brain produces that chemical. Students only have two 40 minute gym periods per week, which is not enough Dopamine that their brain should produce. Since gym is one of the main sources of exercise that teens today get. In order to feel more energized and motivated, gym time should increase.

In addition to that, participating actively in the gym not only makes you more active, but also improves your coordination and flexibility. Since most activities in the gym require students to cooperate properly in order to do well in that certain activity. An ideal gym class provides various activities such as ball throwing and catching, swinging  a bat, and etc. Which will help strengthen  your coordination skills. According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, gym improves student’s self-esteem through helping them develop important skills along with those two. Teamwork, sportsmanship, and patience are some of the most important skills that students tend to develop at the gym. 

I would also like to discuss the fact that physical education is one of the main places where students can take a break off learning. Allowing kids to take a break such as recess or gym has been proven to improve the student's overall grades. Since it gives them more time to process information from class. Going to the gym can decrease the chances of students getting an eye-strain. It gives them a chance to be less stressed about school, and freely express themselves. Participating in gym also helps  students connect and bond with their fellow classmates. Students deserve a break from continuous learning since it is their current stage of growth. Their brain is developing at its highest. Extra gym time helps relieve stress and makes them happier.

Gym in general has a lot of benefits. It increases the amount of dopamine that our brain produces, helps us develop important skills, and gives students a break from learning. Increasing gym time will not only increase those three sections, but also make students more athletic.

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