Student Stress Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 225
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 14 April 2021

Stress is an ongoing problem that happens in everyone’s life. There are so many causes and effects of stress but only a few different ways to help manage and maintain a healthy life style. It is helpful sometimes, providing people with the extra energy or alertness they need. The purpose of the third assessment was to figure out our stress levels through a series of stressful events that individuals can experience, as well as how we cope with certain altercations. Major life events obviously occur far less frequently than the daily stresses and strains we encounter.

Although stress is never considered to be a disease, it is highly associated with illnesses. The main causes of stress in a student’s life come from school, work, activities, friends, and family. There are two forms that it comes in; acute stress, which lasts for a short period of time, and chronic stress, which is long-term stress. Examples of acute stress include conflicts with classmates, meeting deadlines for assignments, and transportation to school. Examples of chronic are; repeated struggle in school, illness/disability, or an illogical fear (heights, bugs, etc).

Although students begin with acute stress, many tend to gradually feel overwhelmed, which develops into chronic stress. The causes of stress come with both internal and external effects. It depends on the person, but the internal effects include anxiety, irritability, and nervousness. External effects include breathing faster, sweating, muscles tensing, dry mouth, keener senses, and lack of energy, headaches, and sickness.

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