Career as an Elementary School Teacher Essay Example

📌Category: Career, Education, Life
📌Words: 1375
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 06 August 2022

My career cluster was Education and Training but my chosen occupation under that cluster was an elementary teacher because due to Covid these past couple of years everyone is short-staffed and there are many job openings for this career. For an elementary school teacher, you have to at least get your bachelor’s degree. When it comes to a teacher’s salary it can be from 34k-70k depending on all the degrees you have and the time length you have worked (Naviance). The reason why I could see myself enjoying this job down the road is that I am very kind, patient, focused, and all of those actions are what make a good elementary teacher. 

When looking at the overall basics of the things that an elementary school teacher does one of the things an elementary teacher does is “Establish and enforce rules for behavior and procedures for maintaining order among the students for whom they are responsible” one way to explain the day on the job is like is someone who “Likes to work with numbers, records or machines in a set, orderly way. Generally avoids ambiguous, unstructured activities.” Some job facts of an elementary school teacher are that to be a teacher you have to be good with communication and being/ staying organized (Naviance).

When looking into being an elementary school teacher the outlook may come off as if there wouldn't be many openings but the job outlook for an elementary teacher is 6% and due to covid the past two years, it opened up many job options for teachers due to teachers having to quit and or move schools. The job overall is not growing due to covid and teachers having to quit (American Educational Research Association).

The type of training and education that is required for an elementary school teacher is an academic degree in an education-related field, a minimum of three years of experience teaching in an inclusive Early Elementary Classroom, and experience working with diverse populations. Some of the specific things that need to be considered when looking are overall basic math, English, and the overall basics. Also when becoming an elementary school teacher you have to student teach for around the amount of 2 years. That means you share a classroom with a teacher and normally you're at the front just getting the practice and training that you need to become an elementary school teacher (American Educational Research Association). 

Another thing that you should know when going into the teaching field is the overall salary. Especially if you know how much you would like to be making a job. When it comes to looking at the teacher's salary some people look for the weekly, monthly, and or yearly. For the weekly pay, the average elementary teacher gets around $737. One of the highest paying countries for being an elementary school teacher is Luxembourg, where educators earn $101,360 per year. The lowest paying country for a career choice is Hungary. When it comes to the benefits of being an elementary school teacher they get pension and insurance benefits like dental, vision, and medical (Naviance). 

In this paragraph, we are going to be going over the advantages and disadvantages... To start we are going to talk about the benefits of being an elementary school teacher: health insurance and retirement packages are what is said: “is the best” they also have vacation days and professional development days throughout the school year, and, of course, a work schedule that allows for work-life balance. But one of the most important benefits of them all that is probably everyone's favorite is summer vacation. Now onto the disadvantages one of the top disadvantages would probably be that they don't get paid enough for what they're doing due to the fact that they're building our future. Secondly, a disadvantage is that sometimes it very difficult to get the kids under control when having to especially when it's all the little kids in the same area because kids tend to piggyback off of what other kids do. One of the big disadvantages is that you cant work from home… you can to a certain extent by grading papers and such but its more difficult to do so and many teachers had learned and experienced that during these past two years due to everyone struggling with Covid (American Educational Research Association). 

The first characteristic that makes me more passionate about doing this job is being very kind. This is important when it comes to teaching, especially for little kids. Many times little kids get overwhelmed quickly since they're leaving their parents for half of a day and or they're just emotional overall. Being kind to them is a way to show the kids comfort and that I'm not a mean person so that the kids could trust you more and be comfortable. It's also important to be kind overall because if a parent is trusting you to take care of their child for the hours that they're there they'd probably want their kids learning to not be kind. I think that it is very important to show the younger generation how to be kind and do small acts just to make other people's days better well making sure they're staying in check with themselves at the same time (Peterson-DeLuca| et al.).

The second characteristic is patients. The reasoning behind patients being one of my top characteristics that are needed when looking into an elementary teacher is because a lot of times children aren't very good at understanding things right away so you have to be able to have patience and take time and explain to them. In ways that are kind because that backs up into the first reasoning of being kind. Back to patients though it's also very important to have those patients and be able to walk the kids through the assignments and or the work overall so you have to have patients so that they are getting overwhelmed because even though the work may be easy to you the kids. When talking to kids you tend to have to be more patient with them and give them your full understanding and let them know you aren't mad. With kids at that age, many of them get very confused with their emotions and don't know how to let it all out at once. (Peterson-DeLuca| et al).

The third characteristic that is probably the most important when it comes to working with kids is being focused. The reasoning on why this is important is because when working a job you shouldn't be distracted with other things, especially a teacher. It would come off as really bad if a teacher's boss walked in and saw the teacher on their phone while all the students were trying to get their attention. Being focused on the kids and giving them your full attention will help them be better communicators because of how little they're and that they are still growing (Peterson-DeLuca| et al).

When looking at this career choice of an elementary school teacher there are many reasons why I could see myself enjoying the job. First of all The kids because being around kids just makes me happy they say funny things that cheer you up and they're so kind and loving... Well at least most of them. Also, something else that makes me know ill enjoy the job into the future is that I like to talk and do stuff in a fun way. After all, I know how easy it is to be distracted and or not motivated to do your work so I wanna be able to be the reason the kids want to do their work. Another reasoning on why I could see myself enjoying the job, in the long run, is because when I was in elementary school I always thought it was a fun place and now I don't wanna be at school anymore so I wanna be able to give the kids the fun learning experience that I got and make them have fun while learning. Also, something that makes me look forward to becoming an elementary teacher is the activities that I can come up with for the kids to have fun like painting, holiday parties, and PJ parties like how it was when I was little. I just want to be able to give the kids fun learning experiences and I wanna be the teacher that can have fun but also stay focused because as I said in paragraph three that is one of the characteristics. 

There are many choices when it comes to picking a job but it is important when it comes to that you want to make sure it is going to be something that you enjoy. For my career choice, I picked an elementary school teacher because of all my characteristics and the benefits that come along with becoming a teacher.

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