Should College Be Free Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 647
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

In this world there always seems to be extremes with one side and the other. A lot of people’s train of thought always seems to align with the age old saying; “If you’re not with me, then you’re against me.” This still holds up in today's world. We have come so far along in recent times but we have seemed to regress in thought. No longer in today’s world is it safe to hold an opinion that is completely different from the popular opinions. If you do happen to hold a differing opinion and make it known amongst other groups of people, they chastise you for holding an opinion that combines two extremes to make a compromise. Though a compromise wouldn’t make everyone happy it does help or can sometimes completely solve the problem. A compromise would be the best thing for college. Making some parts of college free would be the best of both worlds.

Making college completely free brings on a multitude of problems, it should also be noted that it wouldn’t even be free, someone will still have to pay. It is very unfair and unjust to insert a fee, “ cost approximately $79 billion per year, according to a 2019 New York Times report”. This fee would still have to be paid by people. It would be very unfair to place this fee in the form of taxes on the general populace. It is even more unfair when not everyone goes to college so why do they have to pay for college when they choose not to go to college. Another issue it brings is the effect college being free would have on the colleges themselves. Without money colleges wouldn't be able to run, that or colleges would decrease in quality. With this decrease in quality of education, people with college degrees would have less worth in the working world and thus lead to more unemployment. With unemployment comes less innovation and thus leads to a stagnant economy and society. However it should be noted that there are some benefits for free college.

In the 1st passage “College Should Be Free” it is mentioned that there are many bright students who skip college all together because of cost, “There are millions of bright high school students who don’t even consider college. The U.S. Census Bureau reports just under 60% of Americans have at least attended college, which means about 4 and 10 students skip it all together.” This is one issue with colleges that aren't free. All these bright students are stopped by the steep paywall of college, sometimes these students fail to fulfill their potential because of the cost of college. It does not help that work places would rather take  someone with a college degree rather than someone with good innate skill. We are able to make college more accessible for bright minds, such as making colleges have less cost depending on the amount of successful graduates they make. Graduates who actually contribute to the working world and society. Making some colleges free and some of the aspects of college free provides many benefits without being overshadowed by the many cons it would give if it were completely free. You see the reason there should be a compromise is because completely free college brings many more negatives than positives, on the other hand the college system now is very detrimental to many young people seeking college. This is why a compromise is the best option, it gives the best of both worlds without creating the many problems that each extreme has. 

Though the thought of free college seems like a great idea it should be said that it brings many negatives. But just because completely free college has some negatives does not mean we as a society should completely omit the idea. What needs to be done is that we should take the good things about free college and implement them into the current structure of the college system. In conclusion, college should have some parts of it free without it being completely free so as to get the best of both worlds without absorbing some of the other major problems both ideas have.

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