Essay Example on Dissection in Schools

📌Category: Education, School, Science
📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

The procedure of cutting an animal or plant to inspect the insides is known as dissection. It enables scientists to have a better understanding of how various body parts function. But the more important question is whether this is an ethical and correct method of educating students. Dissection is a common activity in schools. It's a great approach for students to learn and comprehend how different elements of an animal's body work together. It demonstrates how the internal structures of animals interact to form a functional part of the body. I believe it can provide students with a better grasp of what is happening on the inside. Aside from that, it's a fascinating learning experience and opportunity. However, dissection is not entirely ethical in my opinion. Many animals are killed solely for the purpose of dissection. Creatures, such as frogs, are caught in the wild and removed from their natural habitats just to be dissected. Some are farm-raised, while other animals such as cows are byproducts of the food industry. I believe it is incredibly cruel, and that there are numerous alternatives to dissection. 

Depending on the species you're dissecting, the question of how ethical it is can depend.  For example, dissecting a cow eye would be far better than dissecting a frog, which is a popular school dissection choice. Cow eyes can be purchased at butcher shops or local slaughterhouses. So that cow eyes do not go to waste, schools can use them for dissection. Because cows are being used in the meat industry, there isn't much we can do to stop them from being slaughtered. Frogs, on the other hand, are frequently caught in the wild and dissected. Additionally, once students have completed the dissection, the frogs are dumped into the garbage. It is, in my opinion, inhumane to do so.

Dissection can be substituted by a variety of methods. Three-dimensional anatomy models, as well as clay or plastic anatomy models, are excellent alternatives. A 3D model differs from a 2D model in that it is a software program with which you can interact with.  These two models are both highly detailed. Body parts, internal organs, and other objects can be separated and examined more closely using clay and plastic models. Another option for dissection is to watch films of a dissection that has already been filmed. These films are often very detailed and informative, guiding you through the dissection process step by step and providing the same information as if you were doing it yourself.

While dissection has been a traditional method for students to explore animals, I am certain that as technology advances, new options will become available to schools. This is in the hopes that dissecting a once living animal may become unnecessary one day.

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