Negative Effects of Uniforms Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, School Uniforms
📌Words: 321
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 July 2022

Have you ever wondered if wearing a uniform is actually beneficial? Well, some people may argue that they are good, but recent studies show that they can cause more harm than help. Uniforms can be detrimental to students' mental health therefore making them not of assistance. 

This statement is true because many studies show that wearing a uniform could cause mental health issues and dysmorphia. Uniforms can cause mental health issues for students because they can not express themselves as much as they could without a uniform. Wearing a uniform can cause dysmorphia because people may not like the way they look in that everyday outfit. Another disadvantage of Uniforms is the hefty price. Uniforms are not cheap. With the price of taking care of children, and already for education, and having other expenses to pay for is tough, especially when parents do not make much money. Another reason why this claim is valid is because there are probably many different cultures attending the school. Not all cultures fit in one basic uniform. In fact many kids from different cultures complain about the lack of diversity. Many people are also upset because of the strict boundaries limiting accessories that make students feel unique, or special. Uniforms limit the sense of style or any kind of diversity whatsoever.

Other people may believe that uniforms are good. This is because supposedly uniforms can limit students being bullied because of what they wear, because everyone wears the same thing. However, bullies are bullies, and can easily move onto another  feature of your appearance to make fun of. Plus uniforms cause more damage than good. Studies also show that they do not alter grades either so other than bullying prevention (for clothes) they are not very useful. Therefore they are better off banned.

In conclusion, uniforms can cause many issues in the long run, and we should get rid of them. They can cause anxiety and other mental health issues, and negative thoughts about oneself. This is an important argument that deserves consideration by schools because mental health is important to succeeding academically.

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