The Crucial Regulation of Language Essay Example

📌Category: Language and Linguistics, Science, Social Issues
📌Words: 579
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Throughout history, and continuing today, language has been manipulated into a device of hurt and ignorance. Strong words develop unsettling ideas while damaging relationships and preventing acceptance of those surrounding us. Powerful in their effects, words continue to support bigotry, hate, racism, homophobia, and intolerance. These atrocities have gone unchecked, disposable to the freedom of speech so valiantly defended by the American people. Without awareness, prevention, and education; unchecked these atrocities will remain. While the utilization of free speech is a valued concept of American culture, the detrimental effects of offensive language on the development of a respectful and understanding society, substantiate the crucial regulation of language. 

Offensive words prohibit educational and respectful discourse, creating a necessity for it to be regulated. The negative utilization of language “[does] not permit new knowledge or encourage the mutual exchange of ideas.” (Source E). The presence of offensive language prohibits us from collaborating and excelling as a society, leaving opportunities and ambitions unmet; divulging in our politicians and representatives who continue to search in endless waters for the treasures of the answers to current affairs and conflicts (metaphor). As supported by Source E, our full capacity of knowledge remains unmet and defines humanity’s ability to access its full potential. Revealing, the necessity for language to be regulated, so that we may excel and learn more than we ever knew; ultimately, defying the restrictive barriers of disconnection and ignorance that have so securely restrained us for eons. Furthermore, as developed in Source D, harassment of any kind prevents rational discourse. Rooted in hate and developed through cacophonous words is harassment. It prevents the understanding between differing opinions, groups, and nations. There is no possibility of reconciliation, with the presence of hate and absence of respect; the respect necessary for the collaboration of society (anadiplosis). With the cease of harassment comes the attainability of respectful conversation. Consequently, this cease of harassment, and the offensive words tied to it, creates a deeper understanding within humans. The barriers of disrespect and the inability of education it causes, prohibit development in humans, relations, and the events caused by them; manifesting, the dire need to limit unnecessary words of hate and hostility. 

In developing the necessity for respectful and educational conversations comes the acceptance of others, possible by the crucial limitation of language. Acceptance and tolerance develop the cohesion of communities and the broader community of the world. Tolerance in a community, “[is] about attempting to understand people who are radically different from you and saying to them you want their voice in the process.” (Source B).  Crucial as acceptance and tolerance may be, they are not possible without the development of appropriate language. The struggle for acceptance has been met with the barrier of intolerance; the intolerance that has been demonstrated through years of hate crimes and violence, within the world community (anadiplosis). The question is hence posed: what must be done to increase the acceptance of those different from us? Through our actions and most definitely our words, we must convey our understanding of them. (hypophora). Threaded through diction is the tone with which intentions are conveyed. In conjunction with the alteration of our mindsets of others, comes the amendment of words, that have been utilized as a tool of hate. With the destruction of hate comes peace; the peace with which bonds are made and bridges are crossed (anadiplosis). Not only will this amendment achieve cohesion; it will also achieve the common goal of a developed and respectful society.  Respect is sourced from words of kindness, encouragement, and collaboration, not sentences of hate and separation (antithesis). Hence, the necessity for eradicating hateful words, to achieve a greater society of collaboration and transmissible respect. Intolerance is the root of separation and must be diminished along with the words that formulate it.

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