Persuasive Essay Example: People Must Not Have the Right to Own Territory in Space

📌Category: Science, Space
📌Words: 759
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

“What if you could own property on the Moon or Mars?” (Can you Own Land in Outer Space 13). Surprisingly, people could have the right to own territory in space, but is it really necessary? People must not have the right to own territory in space since there is the potential of being scammed, it is a very high price and the conflicts with many countries over the treaty made by the government.  

First of all, there is a great risk of survival and a hazard of online scams. For instance, it states in the advertisement that “....return trip not included, meals not included, classes in Mars survival techniques are extra, void where prohibited.” (Everybody's Going to Be a Space Pioneer 12). This statement implies that this advertisement is a scam due to the fact that it doesn’t appear to be a realistic possibility. Since there is no source of food, shelter, and essential needs, there is a very low chance of surviving in space. Furthermore, it conveys in the blog“As the authorized realtor member for property on the red planet, I am pleased to make the first public offering….transportation to and from Mars will not be provided.” (Red Planet Realty 10). The person who posted this blog is unknown to us, and this doesn’t seem like a realistic possibility, just like the advertisement. Since there isn't much information on going to space on this blog, it isn’t very reliable, and therefore, it is proved to be a scam. When claiming territory in space, we must keep in mind that it could be a scam, and there is a low chance of survival. 

Another reason that people should not claim territory in space is the high prices there. For instance, it claims in the biography that “Mr. Musk’s vision for the Mars space colony includes a price tag of $500,000 per person. Currently, Musk is working on a prototype rocket for the mission, called Grasshopper. He sees the colony program as a collaboration between government and private enterprise that would cost a lot of money (a whopping—$36 billion!) to establish.” (Elon Musk Private Spaceflight Pioneer 11).  Elon Musk mentions in the newspaper article that it costs $500,000 for a single person. He also says that it would cost $36 billion just to establish. So, it would be very high-priced and expensive just to get this project started. Additionally, it states in the advertisement that “For only 5 payments of $99,999.99 you can travel to the…” (Everybody's Going to Be a Space Pioneer 12). As expressed in the advertisement, the cost of going to space is overpriced. The expense of claiming territory in space is a crucial factor that must be considered.

Additionally, claiming territory in space may create conflict between countries that have signed the treaty. For example, it states in the newspaper article that “In 1967, the Outer Space Treaty was signed by one hundred countries, including the United States. The treaty bars countries from laying claim to the Moon and other planets….” (Anjou 13). Since the Outer Space treaty was signed by multiple countries, there could be conflicts between them over claiming territory in space. Moreover, it states in the newspaper article that “No mention, however, was made in the treaty, about personal ownership…nations be held responsible for any settlement activities of their citizens…”(Anjou 13). There was no mention of personal ownership in the treaty which will make an even more complex dispute between countries. Soon, there will be fights between these countries for claiming territory in space. If people had the right to claim territory in space, there would be a dispute between countries. 

People must not have the right to own territory in space since there is the potential of being scammed and risk of survival there, the cost is high, and the conflicts with countries who signed the treaty. Other people may believe that we must have the right of claiming territory in space because of the valuable minerals it provides, and how space tourism could be a money-making venture. Although this is true, the price of buying land on space needs to be considered. We also need to think about the living conditions in Outer Space. Imagine living without any food, water, or shelter; this makes it not only difficult but impossible to live there. The lives of people will be in danger if they had the right to claim territory in space. Due to the risk of survival there, the high price, and the conflicts with countries over the treaty, people should not have the right to own territory. 

To sum it up, because of the cost, the potential for a scam, the risk of survival, and conflicts with the countries over the treaty, people should not be able to claim territory in outer space. People must contemplate the cost, the risk of survival, online scams, and conflicts over the treaty when claiming territory in space.

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