Why Schools Shouldn’t Make It Required To Learn A Second Language Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Language and Linguistics, School, Science
📌Words: 390
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 June 2021

In this essay I will be talking about why schools shouldn’t make it required to learn a second language and why it’s a bad idea. Schools making it required is a bad idea because it’s a lot of work and loses focus of main classes, it's hard for anyone with a language or learning disabilities, and also because language classes typically fail. 

Learning a second language in school has many disadvantages, which is why schools shouldn't make it a requirement. Some people may think learning a second language can be helpful, but it should be done on your own time not in school. Schools should not make it required because we have other classes that are more important and need more attention than using our time to learn another language we probably won't use. If you were to learn a second language in school, you would spend a lot of time on that class because its new to you. Spending more time on the second language leaves less time for your main classes like ELA, Science, Math, History etc. Making it required to learn a new language would cause too many problems and end up stressing out everyone, which isn't very fair. I read many articles, but one specifically talked about it being stressful and a waste of time. It said that it's not worth the time because you most likely won't remember it the following year or after High School. 

Another reason learning a second language in school is that it could be difficult for anyone with some sort of language disability. While learning a second language may sound fun, many people can tell you anyone with a language or learning disability is not very excited to learn. Many people struggle with writing and reading which school isn't very easy for them because school is reading and writing, pretty much anyways. Having to learn a second or third language would not be very successful for them. An article stated “difficulty learning to read is linked to other factors, such as the child’s learning environment, motivation, quality of instruction, or general health. For example, some children have difficulty learning to read in school because the quality of instruction they receive is not always optimal; because they have an undetected visual impairment which makes it difficult to see and process written language; or because they are uninterested in learning to read because they find the reading materials in school boring.” Learning a language is already difficult for most people, so why make it required?

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