Essay Sample on Why College Is Necessary

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 932
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 09 August 2022

College is a necessary part of life, Beth Akers and Matthew Chingos observed that “According to college graduates between the ages of 23 and 25 earned $12,000 more per year, on average, than high school graduates in the same age group, and had employment rates twenty percentage points higher. Over the last 30 years, the increase in lifetime earnings associated with earning a bachelor’s degree has grown by 75%” (Akers and Chingos 2). College is a great opportunity to further people’s education after high school. However, the rising inflation rate has caused colleges to raise their tuition as well. Even though some people think the cost of college is expensive it would be beneficial to get a degree because it is possible to lower the cost of tuition, and can increase earning potentials later in life. 

Getting a college degree helps to get people stable jobs and increases earning potential. The article “Is College worth it,” agrees that “Higher education is a much better investment than almost any other alternative. In today’s tough labor market a college degree dramatically boosts the odds of finding a job and making more money” (“Is College Worth it” 2). When applying for a job people should want to stand out from others and college is a great way to do that. It also makes people more valuable to the company because they studied in the aspects of the profession. To get a job the company wants to see how hardworking and what people’s work ethic looks like and if the person who is applying went to college it makes them stand out from others who did not go to college. Furthermore, the article “Strengthing Our Economy Through College for All” further emphasizes that “By 2020, 65% of all jobs will require a bachelor’s or associate’s degree or some other education beyond high school, particularly in the fastest-growing occupations - Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, healthcare, and community service” (“Strengthing Our Economy Through College for All” 2). If most jobs are going to require a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. It would be almost a necessity if people want to make more money and have extra job stability. College is basically a necessity too because they offer specific courses for the specific fields making it easier to make more money after the person graduates from college. Lastly, the article “College Tuition Cost” claims “That getting a higher education is a large investment it leads to better financial returns in the future along with increased job opportunities and stability” (“College Tuition Cost” 1). If people do go to college it helps with better job security and the extra possibility of getting the job because there are fewer people to compete against making the people who went to college more important and they are put into a position to make more money. Investing in college also helps with leadership skills which puts the person who graduated in a position where management is the key to making their salary higher. College is a large investment, but it helps people to become more valuable to companies which sets them up for better financial gain and great job stability in the future. 

College may be expensive, but there are programs and scholarships that can lower the cost, making it accessible for everyone. The article “College Tuition Costs” demonstrates that “It is possible to not be wealthy and still be able to go to college because the University of Toledo in Ohio has given multiple local students to go to college for free that wouldn't normally be able to afford it” (College Tuition Cost” 4).  It does not matter how wealthy the person who wants to go to college is the universities do not intend for people to pay everything upfront but programs like this one can help college become more accessible for all. When these programs are in place it makes people feel like equals and the people now have a better chance at earning more money later in life. Furthermore, Goldrick and Adams who wrote the article “Don't Dismiss the Value of Free College Programs” acknowledge that “Free college programs help people who are struggling financially and that these programs do not bring additional tuition” ( Goldrick and Adams 2). Free college programs strive to make paying for college easier and they cover all the fees which allow for people to not have to worry about the large tuition cost. Programs like this one keep everything balanced because it gives everyone an equal chance at furthering their education and who wouldn’t want that chance. Lastly, the article "Strengthening our economy through college for all" reports that, "The federal government has been doing its part by providing the tax credits, and grants to low-income students and moderate-income students. In the fiscal year 2015, these benefits are estimated to provide a total of more than 160 billion dollars to students enrolled in secondary education. These types of programs are open to all types of people especially low-income families veterans and service members because everyone should have a equal playing field when it comes to furthering their education. The programs and scholarships people can earn takes money off the tuition that is not required to be paid back. Programs and scholarships are a effective way to lower the cost of tuition making College a available option for all college-bound people. 

Yes, some could argue but college is just too expensive, and is not worth the money or its benefits that people can earn in the future. However it is important to state that the odds of getting a high-paying job with good job security dramatically decreases if they do not go to college. Therefore, not going to college is pointless if people want to be more valuable to companies allowing them to reach those benefits. In conclusion overall college is essential to the people who wants better odds for a higher-paying jobs. If higher salaries and job security is interesting than talk to a local counselor to see what  programs are available nearby.

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