Argumentative Essay Example: Handwriting is Not Work Efficient

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Writing
đź“ŚWords: 315
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 29 July 2022

Handwriting instructions in today’s schools have slowly faded with time. Handwriting is not useful in today’s schools. Handwriting is not efficient to learn, causing time to be taken away from teaching. As well as technology has been taking over schools more and more, resulting in less time writing and more time learning. 

Handwriting is not efficient to learn because it takes a while to learn, while that time can be used for better things. “...there is simply no need to teach students both print and cursive. There’s only so much time in the day, and which skills we decide to teach has a dramatic impact on the lives of students. Does it really make sense to prioritize an obsolete ability?” (Source E) This is explaining that handwriting shouldn’t be taught in schools, because it is obsolete and there are better things to learn about. “The problem with cursive writing is that I never use it. Surveys show most adults feel the same way. Typing is faster, and print is fast enough when you happen to need to use paper.” (Source E). Cursive isn’t useful when we have keyboards and printers. Cursive is never used in the real world, almost everything is typed out online or printed. 

Technology is advancing, it’s taking over schools and the real world. As stated by (Source A) “The move outside our schools and in innovation schools is toward technology.” Outside of schools and in schools are moving to technology, there is no reason to teach handwriting if we aren’t going to use it later on in life. “In fact, the changes imposed by the digital age may be good for writers and writing. Because they achieve automaticity quicker on the keyboard.” (Source C) The advancement of technology is good for the writers, it makes it easier for writing with keyboards.

Handwriting has grown obsolete as technology grows. Its not useful in today’s schools or the real world. Handwriting is not work efficient, wasting schools learning time on cursive. Technology has advanced more, making it more efficient than handwriting.

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