Benefits of Homework Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, Homework
📌Words: 481
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

What are your opinions on homework? Homework has been a topic of interest for a very long time. Some call it a 'nuisance', a 'life vampire, a 'future heart attack'. However, the pros of homework vastly outweigh the cons of homework. From the development of retrieval skills to the sheer joy of completing it, it offers many benefits to students.

Homework plays a huge part in a student's understanding and retrieval. A student may have listened to lecture after lecture, taken note after note, only for all of that information to fly right past their head. As a student, you will constantly ask yourself this question: What was the point of sitting through hours of long-winded, monotonous, useless lessons if I'm just going to forget everything? And this is where homework comes in; like a miracle, homework gives you a second chance to retrieve whatever was lost deep down in your brain. Homework gives you the option to go over something in your own time which you may not have understood or remembered. More than 80% of students forget almost all information from lessons within 48 hours if it is not revised. Constant revision of vital material can trigger our brains to keep this information in our long-term memory and never forget these facts. Homework helps students to maintain this ability, which is crucial to demonstrate their understanding of a topic in future tests.

If there is one thing homework does absolutely outstandingly, it is teaching students a sense of responsibility. Although I agree completing homework before the deadline is sometimes stressful, it still develops time management skills. Not only this, homework initiates a habit of independence and develops the creativity of a student. Presenting information in various ways can give a student an open window as to how creative and thorough they wish to be. Conversely, these are all key skills highly sought after in many jobs. No business wants a lazy, unproductive, uncreative employee, do they? They want those who can stay on track, those who will keep coming up with innovative ideas to move the company forward.

Furthermore, homework leads directly to a student's exploration of a topic in extreme depth. 79% of students in the UK agree that doing homework expands their knowledge of a topic. This extra knowledge could come in handy during tests or even in the future. Moreover, through this research, you may stumble into a 'rabbit hole' of subtopics that may interest you greatly. Perhaps you may discover a new passion; something with which to connect with others, something to delve deeper into, or something to share.

Finally, homework can be fun! Projects such as making planet models, creating musical instruments from scratch or producing your own model of a trench can increase the productivity of students and expand their creativity. They will have a fun time, whilst also learning something brand-new.

In conclusion, homework has many advantages. Initially, we all hate homework but realize its value as we grow up and reach higher classes. It gives a large variety of ways to express yourself and your understanding of a subject and can also be fun.

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