Essay Sample on Approaches to Teaching: The Reggio Emilia Approach and The Waldorf Approach

📌Category: Education
📌Words: 1112
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 August 2022


In this essay, I will be touching on two different approaches to teaching, the Reggio Emilia Approach, and the Waldorf Approach. We will be discussing the positive and negative implications of both approaches and how the two styles clash against one another. This essay is an analysis of the various ways different teaching methods process students and the challenges that are one becomes faced with under different methods. The question I wish to present, is there a definitive answer to what would objectively be the ‘best’ way to teach growing children.  

Reggio Emilia Approach

The Reggio Emilia Approach has origins dating back to the mid 19th century. The key ideas of  the Reggio Emilia Approach were spearheaded by Loris Malaguzzi an Italian man, who joined forces with the local municipality, administrators, and citizens (mainly women) to create and birth, development, and success of the approach. The program puts heavy emphasis on creating a world where the children are equipped with everything, they need to reach their extraordinary potential. Making sure that the children have all the social and cultural ties to help them achieve greatness. Working on the belief that children “Possess a hundred languages” which in tandem references the hundred ways to think, express, understand and encounter things that children possess that are different to how adults interact with the world, is why the Reggio Emilia Approach believes it is the “responsibility of the [center] to valorise all verbal and non-verbal languages with equal dignity.” The organization has various networks that carry responsibilities co-shared by everyone whether its administration, politics or pedagogy with working conditions created to push for stability and a sense of belonging in the community. Many of the centers are designed so the children and adults can live together. Furniture, toys, and spaces are meticulously chosen to increase phycological wellbeing, belonging, aesthetic sense and happiness. 

Waldorf Method

Meanwhile the Waldorf Method thrives on “developmentally appropriate, experiential and academically rigorous approach to education.” All ages from preschool to 12th grade have the arts mixed with their academic classes to create more opportunities for learning. Created in the early 20th century, the Waldorf education method was created on the ideas of world-renowned artist and scientist Rudolf Steiner. Who believed that education should revolve around human development that addresses the needs of a growing individual. Steiner believed that the arts including music, dance, writing, theater, literature, legends, and myths cannot be experienced through testing. Thus, his method was created to  encourage their emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual ideals to help on their paths to the future. Steiner’s teachings have been spread across many different branches of education, from preschool to Ivy Leagues. The teachings of the Waldorf method create a joy for learning, encouraging independent thinkers and higher ethical and moral standards.

Key Similarities

While both the Waldorf and Emilia Approach are both hands on, child centered environments are carefully created in Italy to nurture the child with focus of natural materials for crafts and mixed aged classroom with emphasis on creating a meaningful world. The zero-tech classroom, emphasis on nature/outdoor play and decision to educate the ‘whole’ child are what separates them from other types of teaching. 

Key Differences

The minor differences between the two are present under a closer inspection because while the Waldorf method emphasizes free play time over the Reggio Emilia’s emphasis on interrupted work-oriented time. The Reggio Emilia method also has emphasis on pre-literacy with letter recognition, phonics, and writing. With numeracy skills improved via counting and formal math lessons. This is in stark contrast of the Waldorf’s emphasis on pre-literacy oral improvement by storytelling and teaching numeracy skills with games. 

My Opinion 

Personally, I think the Waldorf method is better. Now hear me out on this! Waldorf…. Sounds more fun! They put emphasis on cooking, cleaning, and woodwork! Which (besides cleaning) is fun and cool! Plus, they don’t teach math/science/English before the first grade, which aligns with my own personal beliefs. See, I believe that the world is big and scary. That things get too complicated too quickly, especially in this ‘age of information’ where a hundred thousand ideas, morals and opinions are thrown at you constantly. We no longer live in a world where you can have fun for the sake of fun. Hustle culture has ruined hobbies because if you aren’t making money in your free time then what’s the point? Kids today also don’t have an opportunity to stay young. Mom and Dad’s faces are obstructed by a rectangular device that is pushed into a child’s face to video everything. First steps, first words, first breath, first everything is documented and stored for the generations. And it creates this generation of desensitized children that don’t blink when their privacy is violated or outright ignored for a multi-billion-dollar profit for an Ad spot. A child no longer gets to form their own personalities, now everything is based on what social media you use, morals are picked by which side of the Twitter war you started on. Technology is the best and the worst thing ever created by humanity. So, the Waldorf Method that completely ignores tech in favor of basic skills, skills that children don’t learn or don’t put emphasis on learning is very important. Knowing who you are and being comfortable with yourself PRIOR to entering the world of social media is essential to grow up and not end up with a metal illness by the time you enter High School. When parents stop investing in their child’s wellbeing in favor of giving an iPad to make the child stop crying or to simply distract the child then that kid is going to become desensitized to all of the horrors of the internet. I don’t fully agree with any one method, I think the Waldorf method has its flaws, I feel that not enforcing certain ideas like ‘study or focus time’ isn’t going to help the child. I believe that stopping the regulation of academics after Middle School won’t help the child because of how important Academics are to our society. But in a world that is suffocated by technology, the Waldorf method is the path that still gives children the ability to grow, learn and enjoy childhood while also teaching that child about the world and themselves.


In conclusion, the two teaching methods both touch on the same ideals; a hands-on outdoor learning experience with zero to little screens. They both put emphasis how important a child’s ‘whole’ self is. However, Waldorf focuses solely on free play and the outdoors, whereas Reggio Emilia’s focuses on the time spent learning math, reading and phonetics. In both cases, the websites to promote both methods glorify themselves. Creating a sense of pride for picking one while simultaneously creating shame or disgust for even considering a different option. But none of that matters, all that matters is what the individual believes is best for their child. And which method the parent or teacher finds aligns best with their beliefs. I know that the Waldorf Method is what I would personally lean towards, but the more important question is : which method, either the two I showcased or one of the six I didn’t, do you believe is the one that will protect and nurture the next generation?

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