Persuasive Essay Example on Equal Playing Time

📌Category: Education, School, Sports
📌Words: 602
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Playing time is one of the hottest topics in sports today. Should coaches be required to give equal playing time or can they have the freedom to choose the amount of time that goes to each player? There are so many benefits to unequal playing time that many people skim over. To prepare players for the real world after high school and sports, let them know their hard work is being seen, and overall make them more driven, motivated players, high school coaches should not require equal playing time.

Unequal playing time prepares players for life after high school. In the real world, there is no fairness or equal opportunities (Elmendorf par. 6). Giving kids the unequal experience now shows them and gets them ready for the realization that jobs and anything in life after school is not fair. If they can understand now that things in high school aren’t like what's to be expected outside of school they will have a smoother, easier transition into life after high school. Kids must know that there is so much more to life than just sports. Coaches are put in place to make the best decisions to prepare their players for the real world (Elmendorf par.2). Coaches have players' best interests at heart; they are not going to sugarcoat life now and send them out into the world unprepared. They are just trying to mold them into what skills they know they will need because they have been through it already. Players should be formed into human beings who are ready to take on the world after high school and showing them that everything is not always fair prepares them for what to expect. 

Hard Work should be rewarded. Players need to know that playing time is earned and not just given (Bowen par.10). If players have the idea that they will all get playing time it leads to laziness and motivation decreases. The minutes should be given to the players who go the extra mile to improve their skills and give the most effort. The Washington Post believes “The best players should get the most playing time just like the best singers get the lead roles” (Bowen par.10). Athletes should be rewarded just like musicians, actors, and dancers are. The people best at their craft should be acknowledged for their skill and determination whether that be in the arts or sports. Players need to know that they aren’t just going above and beyond for nothing by giving them the most playing time they are being shown that their hard work is paying off. 

One might believe that equal playing time maximizes player development (Equal Playing Time par.3). It makes sense that equal playing time could develop players' abilities more; however, there are many other ways players could get them to reach the same ability level. Without a doubt, unequal playing time pushes players to be more motivated to get better (Haefner par. 20). If every player knows they are getting to play it limits the drive and determination to be the best player which cuts down on development. Players are more motivated to improve if there is an incentive such as playing time, with equal playing time there is no motivation to grow or get better. 

When one ponders on the facts that unequal playing time prepares players for what’s after high school, hard work needs to be acknowledged, and it motivates players to get better it’s clear high school coaches should not require equal playing time. It’s important to mold players for what to expect after high school. The kids must know that their time, hard work, and skills are being seen and appreciated. Lastly, unequal playing time was seen to give players a push to get better which leads to more improvement. So don’t be the parent that complains about unequal playing time because, in the long run, it will pay off.

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