Students Should Be Allowed to Use Cell Phones in School Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Education, School, Science, Technology
📌Words: 309
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 June 2021

Electronics, Devices, and Technology. It goes by many names but the ones that humans normally use are cell phones. Humans use cell phones in daily life when it comes to calling, texting, cooking, etc. But in schools, students aren't allowed to use cell phones because they “disrupt” class. But, students should be allowed to use cell phones in school because kids would be productive in class if they're on their phones. According to, “Cell Phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them stay on top of classwork”  This evidence supports my point that students should be allowed to use cell phones in school. 

Students go to school for education but most students as teachers know hate school, but if they were allowed on their phones, they wouldn’t hate school as much. According to, “Student’s choice in platform or presentation often produces outcomes teachers never would have imagined when designing a project, and students have more fun in the end.” This is related to the view that if it is allowed to be used on the phone, students will reduce their hatred of the school.

Adults control school most of the time but usually, students do not know what teachers think about them. But, Allowing students their phones will show that the teachers trust their students. According to “Teaching students to check facts in real-time holds everyone to the highest academic standards and takes the pressure off the teacher.” This point matches with the evidence shown that teachers would show they trust their students if allowed cell phones.

These paragraphs have shown how cell phones can do more good than harm but someone reading this might say “If students are allowed to use cell phones then they would cheat on every test.” This may be true but, students have already been using cell phones to cheat before. 

In conclusion, Students should be allowed to use cell phones in school because they would help and improve the school environment and boost grades.

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