The importance of Using Language in Eckermann's Poems Essay Example

📌Category: Language and Linguistics, Literature, Poems, Science, Writers
📌Words: 661
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 June 2021

The importance of Eckermann's use of language in Eckermann's poems helps convey both individual and collective identity through the extensive use of personal experiences, and relatability through her poems. This gives the poem that connection around it.

What is identity? 

In a collective sense, identity is a shared sense of belonging to a group, community. Where an individual identity is a concept you’ll develop of yourself which evolves throughout your life. This could include the various aspects of your life that you don't have control over, i.e.: the color of your skin, this also includes the choices you make in life, i.e.: how you spend your time. 

The point of Eckermann's poetry was a cure for those that had suffered from the stolen generation, in her words she stated  “it was a cure for the enormous grief” that she decided to share with everyone so that we didn't feel alone in that grieving time that affected many. 

She used her words as windows to the truth, through her techniques and emotive language she gives people the chance to dive into her poetry and have it playing right out in front of them.

Eckermann explores identity throughout all her poems in various ways of techniques and emotive language but the three poems that render a more confronting, thought-provoking, and emotional sense are Oombulgarri, Eyes, and Unearth. Each of these poems conveys a different sense of connection.


This poem of Eckermanns relates to collective identity, Eckermann shares this through the devastation of forced displacement that had supervened to ten indigenous communities. This knowledge is shown through the use of sensory imagery throughout the poem, i.e.: “echoes”, “rusted”, “blue dresses”. This particular technique allows the reader to visualise/immerse themselves in the poetry, through this technique gives us the ability to understand how this affected people.

Another technique used in the poem that plants curiosity into the reader is the simile “as empty as the promises” this technique is showing us that history has not given us the full truth, this allows us wondering the bigger story, allowing us to sense their pain. Eckermann uses simile so that the reader can make their comparison to the poetry.


This poem of Eckermanns relates to individual identity, this poem is about how we choose the persona to present to the world but also an implication of the possible domestic/conflict that occurs in some lives. Eckermann utilises a heart-rending rhetorical question to leave the reader in a moment of consideration of the difficulty that keeping your sense of self true is “which eyes will she need for today” Eckermann is using an individual identity to express this conflicting question. This is an effective use of the language device because of how it indicated the complicated nature of culture and identity. Another technique used in the poem is emotive language i.e.: “challenge”, “wonder”, “ rage”, “terror”. The use of emotive language allows the reader to immerse themselves into that particular part of the poem allowing them access to that emotion. Eckermann uses this to enhance the words that are shown on the page.


This poem relates to collective identity, this poem is about how “the truth won't remain buried” and “the past will reveal the truth”, it's a poem of celebration and a poem with significance to the indigenous culture. Eckermann uses repetition of the word “warriors” throughout the poem and this is seen as a connotation of bravery, courage, and strength that the indigenous people had. Eckermann is using a collective identity to show this as not a remission but more of a celebration of the lives of the ancestors and “rising warriors”.  

Another technique that is used throughout the poem is sensory imagery that is used in the poem i.e.: “flaming limbs”, the use of sensory imagery in this poem is to allow the reader to immerse themselves into the poem, and feel connected to the words that are being read. 

In conclusion, the use of individual and collective identity in this poem is abundantly important to the meaning and message of the poems Eckermann has published. And the poems that have been selected have either conveyed individual or collective identity through the use of language styles and techniques used throughout the variety of poems.

Language is important to the sense of what her poems are saying.

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