Comparison of the Interior and Exterior of the House of Usher With Roderick Usher’s Mind (Essay Example)

📌Category: Edgar Allan Poe, Literature, The Fall of the House of Usher, Writers
📌Words: 910
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Analyze the comparison of the interior and exterior of the House of Usher with Roderick Usher’s mind. Observe the feeling of the house and how it relates to the thoughts and actions of Roderick Usher. In the poem, it states RU is a childhood friend of the narrator who has been distant and now urges his friend to visit. Invitations aren’t ordinarily turned down, so this unknown narrator visits the mansion (which is symbolically intertwined with the Usher family). Anonymous, approaches the outside of the house, shocked by the exterior and its gloomy, mysterious, evil, diseased atmosphere. 

Although the creepy Edward Scissorhands house seems unearthly, silent, and very strange, the storyteller gradually strolls towards it. Subsequently, inside the house, there are unique decorations, instruments, and books. Displeased but unsurprised, the aura and vibe of the house’s interior, felt oddly similar to the outside just extra abnormal and more uncanny. Confirming the accusations on the house, the rando illustrator recognizes the decaying trees and murky ponds outside around the house (through the squared window). Eventually, after the numerous clues and observations from the house, you meet the owner Roderick Usher. 

Roderick is pale and disheveled, sitting on his chair alternating between being sullen and lively. After acknowledging the new entity that entered the room, he announces the condition that runs in his family, which makes his senses acute. Unpredictably, you see a Ghost-like twin sister of Roderick, Madeline Usher. Unexplainably ill (no doctor can explain why), MU moves through the room creepily, which freaks out the visitor. Attentive and clever, the questions about Richard Usher (Creepy male figure in the house) and Madeline Usher start flooding the interpreter’s mind. 

Why live in such an awful environment? (with poor living conditions), are these folks clinically crazy or killers?. What mindset does he have? Finally, you ask yourself the main question, should I run or stay?. What is seriously wrong with Rodericks’ mind/mental issues, and his sister, but also the setting of the house. Roderick’s mind is suffering, he is developing crazy, dark, and very mysterious thoughts and actions, which would make sense because look at the house he lives in. Infuriating realization, the reporter began cheering up RU and MU, giving them a sense of joy, happiness, laughter, family, and togetherness. 

Unnoticed mental illness, Roderick’s serious issues can be caused by many things, like his environment, family issues, but we can never really know for sure. Certainly the House Of Usher was a major source, because roderick was fixated on the house. Eventually, the mysterious man speculates that vegetation and in some cases inanimate objects posses intelligency too. It is percepitable that Roderick has a malicious way of doing things and has lost his mind. Madeline Usher is his sister and when she soon dies, Roderick (with the help of his old time friend) buries her body in a vault beneath the house. 

Unfortunately, death is a timely thing, especially for the usher family, their stressful moments are a way to make someone lose control too, and when Roderick buries his sister, he must have lost his mind even more. After the death of the sister, Roderick’s change of heart happened too late, because he soon dies too. In conclusion, I think the house is the source of Roderick’s problems. Unexpectedly, Usher unstably rushes with his visitor to collect his sister. Madeline has never been dead, but with the houses atomsphere and death like manner, she was presummed dead. Madeline scares her brother to death, but the house took everything else from Roderick. 

Inevitably, the sister’s mistaken death probably made her very angry, that when she finally clawed her way out of that tomb(more like cage), she fell on Roderick and he dies. Fleeing, before death falls upon the unknown relater. Before sprinting away, behind the treacherous house, he views a blood red moon behind the house. The blood red moon sets through a crack in the house which widens from roof to foundation, and the house collapses. The House of Usher’s ultimate downfall left no trace behind, so the only person to relay this is the unmasked narrator. 

Roderick’s Cave is his house because he hides away in there and made every bad choice there, he even develops schizotypal personality disorder(which is stated in the story) in his house. Mansion of gloom is what Roderick’s house was proclaimed as in the story, many times the house was called a haunted house, which seemed very possible. Cursed, the house is a deadly mind-twisting place, which it states in the article read. The article states “House of Usher” – an appellation which seemed to include, in the minds of the peasantry who used it, both the family and the family mansion. Terrorized, shaken, Roderick has a mood and personality at the end because the house effect reveals itself to him(when his sister dies and is buried under the house).

Finally, this is my bizarre interesting explanation about the story, when the sister dies, she is resurrected by the house, which kills Roderick for changing his malicious evil, behavior(which was brought on by the house). In the story, the narrator explains how the house dies with the people, which seems very interesting and more of like a cult, blood pact, voodoo, ritual ending. Forming into anything the owner represents or stands for, the house had the mind of the ushers, and when they fell, it fell too. Repeatedly, the story/narrator exclaims how the Roderick was linked with the physical house in which the Usher family has so long lived as if they were one singular being. In the movie, encanto, the house liked to the madrigal family, and lived as if it was the madrigal family, just like the usher house and the usher family. Inevitable danger house is a primary conclusion to the behavior of Roderick, and this is why the house of usher and Roderick’s mind are conflicting with each other and very similar.

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