Cell Phones Should Not be Banned Essay Example

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 424
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 April 2021

Cell phones have become a crucial part of everyday life. It is brought with us everywhere and there is no doubt that many are addicted to their phones. Some people find it irritating that phones have taken control over people’s lives and have argued for cell phone bans in certain areas like shops, restaurants, and movie theaters. However, cell phones in these places should not be banned because they benefit us more than harm.

To begin with, mobile phones are important to have at all times for emergencies and personal protection. The article “Pros & Cons of Banning Cell Phones in Public Places” notes that “having 911 available at the touch of a button is critical to maintaining personal security” and that “some calls truly cannot wait” (Source 2). If cell phone bans were put in place, no one could call for help immediately. Every second counts and it is important to acknowledge that. Having a cell phone on you is vital as it is a quick way to communicate with whoever you need in an instant.

Moreover, cell phones should not be banned as it serves as a source for information. In “Americans’ View on Mobile Etiquette”, the article mentions that “52% of cellphone owners...use their phone to look up information about where they are going while out in public” (Source 1). Many cell phone users use their phones to find information or directions to their next location. Traveling with a phone in your pocket is convenient and can even help you get to your destination faster. It can be of great use.

On the other hand, one may object that cell phone bans are necessary because cell phones promote antisocial behavior. Raine and Zickuhr claim that “this constant connectivity [with your phone] creates new social challenges” (Source 1). It is argued that mobile phones stunt social contact, making it more difficult to communicate with individuals in real life. But in reality, many use their phones in social situations in order to connect with others. From an outside perspective, some may see people using cell phones while talking to someone rude, but they could be using that phone to bring up photos, videos, or information in relation to the conversation. Cell phones can be tools that help establish bonds with strangers and it is all up to the owner to decide whether or not to engage in conversation.

In summation, cell phone bans should not be put in effect because cell phones are far too useful in our everyday lives. They play important roles in protecting yourself and others, building ties, and as sources of information. Technology is a growing industry and it has become a core component of society. Cell phone bans would be more detrimental than beneficial.

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