Lab Report Example: How Weight and Speed Affect Kinetic Energy

📌Category: Physics, Science
📌Words: 413
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

What is the purpose of the lab, the importance of the topic, and the question you are trying to answer? 

The purpose of the lab was to see how weight and speed affect kinetic energy. The question I am trying to answer is, which independent variable will have a consistent relation with kinetic energy? Why?

What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment? 

Weight will have a consistent relation with kinetic energy because the heavier the object the higher up the bean bag will go, when dropped.

What methods are you using to test this (or each) hypothesis?

I will change the weight and height I drop the bottle (for speed), I will do weight and height experiments separately three times then do the weight and height together three times.

Locate the data and observations collected in your lab guide. What are the key results? How would you best summarize the data to relate your findings?

The key results in the Lab are those that rationalize why a hypothesis could be accurate or inaccurate.To describe data relevant to experiment outcomes, we create diagrams that highlight the link between the various variables.

Do you have quantitative data (numerical results or calculations)? Do you have qualitative data (written observations and descriptions)? How can you organize this date for your report?

You'll need to record and organize your observations in adequate ways. The method you employ to gather data should be related to how you want to evaluate and use it. These might involve, for example, putting numerical observations into a spreadsheet. Descriptions are used to obtain qualitative data. anecdotes, views, and quotations

What do the key results indicate? 

The key results show that my hypothesis of the lab has supported evidence to prove that my hypothesis is correct.

If you constructed graphs, what trends do they indicate in your data?

It indicates that there is a linear graph relationship of weight and kinetic energy and a nonlinear graph with speed and kinetic energy.

Were there any problems with the experiment or the methods? Did you have any surprising results? 

I had no problems with the experiment. No surprising results.

What do the results tell you about your hypothesis(es)? 

My hypothesis is correct.

How does the data support your claim above? 

Linear graph is what proves that my hypothesis of weight has a consistent relation with kinetic energy.

If you could repeat the experiment and make it better, what would you do differently and why?

I would do more than three times with each change to make sure I get a more accurate result. I would use the camera oriented to the measuring tool so I can make sure I get the correct height instead of eyeballing it.

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