Should Students Use Cell Phones In Class Essay Example

📌Category: Education, School, Science, Technology
📌Words: 377
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

According to “” 94% of students want to use their phone for academic purposes. This means that over nine out of ten students would prefer to use their phone for schoolwork at school rather than other apps. Some schools allow cell phones in the classroom and all schools should allow the use of cellphones in schools. They should allow cell phones because for most students they’re easier to use, if there was an emergency outside of school it’d be easier to get in contact with the student, and there's better resources on phones rather than laptops.

First and foremost, the preponderance of students think that cell phones are easier than laptops to use. In other words, students find it easier to use their phones in class rather than laptops. For example, while in math class a student’s laptop was dead. He had left his charger at home and it was much easier for him to complete the assignments on his phone. An equally important use of phones is to call other individuals.

Moreover, another reason why phones should be allowed in school is if there was an emergency, it would be easier to get in contact. In similar terms, it is much easier to contact a student's phone rather than try to get into contact with the school. As an illustration, last year a student in science class’s parent tried to contact them about an emergency. The school didn’t immediately pick up their phone, so their parent called the student so that they could be informed about what was going on. If the student wasn’t allowed to have their phone in class, they wouldn’t have known about the emergency. Similarly, phones should be allowed out in class because there are more applications to use on them.

Furthermore, there are more resources on phones rather than computers. A better explanation would be, regularly students' phones have sufficient resources while laptops do not. To prove a point, in a previous Spanish class, the students had to download an app on their phones to use for class because the computers didn’t have it. The class continued to responsibly use their phones for class the rest of the semester.

To summarize, it is important to allow students to be permitted to use their phones in class. There are lots of valuable resources on phones and they can be used for educational purposes during class. More schools should allow the use of phones in school.

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