Analysis Of Learning: Your First Job By Dr. Robert Leannson

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 625
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 May 2021

Robert Leamnson’s essay (Your First Job) is one of the most beneficial and interesting essays to read; he gives various suggestions and recommended ways to the student about what to do while learning and how to be successful. I’ve used most of the ways he had mentioned. In addition, Leamnson supported his point by providing science-based arguments and giving examples, which made me more excited to continue reading. 

When I first went to college, I was struggling with the amount of homework, and I didn’t know how to deal with them; I used the old and useless ways to finish my homework because I thought that college would be the same level as high school, so I didn’t prepare myself and didn’t learn new efficient ways. After reading Leamnson Essay, I had flashbacks about the ways that I’ve used to improve myself in learning, and one of these ways is to start Making notes, as Leamnson says that It’s important to make notes and not to take them, it really changed my whole learning process to the better. Taking notes helped me remember what my professor said during the class, but making notes helped me learn and never forget what I’ve learned, which also led to another essential point that Leamnson mentioned: Use it or Lose it. Understanding and remembering helped me overcome my problem with losing the information that I’ve learned. It’s very important to use the ideas or information that we understand enough to remember it. Leamnson added that practicing would help with so many things that the student may feel that they won’t be able to learn or overcome. Students also have to trust the process; it helped me start making notes, know the difference between Information and Knowledge and how to use them, the way I should study, and how to manage my time.

 I had experienced a hard time in my first semester because I didn’t know about all these ways and methods, and I’m still learning new improvements until today because learning is something that the student should enjoy and not feel like they have to do it because it would be useless, As Leamnson said “No one learns unless they want to.” 

Leamnson’s article speaks about what every student has dealt with, that’s why I believe it’s very important that every student should read it and I really appreciate leamnson for posting this article. When Leamnson’s mentioned about understanding and remembering I was very interested to read what he was going to say about it because I am the type of student who focus on certain things without noticing that I’ve missed an important note or idea that has been mentioned so I needed to work on my remembering and understanding, mostly I was understanding the idea or content but I was not remembering which means that this was a good reason why I wasn’t learning In the right way. I solved this problem by asking myself this one question after finish studying which is “What have I learned?” and when I answer it, I can decide what I should do next to help me get better.

Additionally, leamnson add more strength to his article or essay by providing examples based on science such as how to improve learning, and hoe the brain manage information.

In conclusion, Leamnson’s essay is very useful. I would recommend it to anyone struggling with the learning process because his essay explains and analyzes with clear and enough details that would help the students, it is a must read for every student I absolutely took something really useful from reading it and it was an eye opener for me, I want to use some of the ways he mentioned, and I decided to change some things that will help me become more successful, productive and most important happy We should never ignore how incredible the mind is and how it works, and after appreciating how valuable it is, no one would be happy without using it and making themselves the most successful and happy people.

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