Five Threats to Aim for Higher College Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 593
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 July 2022

After researching diverse types of threats that could be a problem. I will give you a full report on the new and the continuing one and future and last a summary. Now for the new threat, which is a big concern, is the exploitation of remote work. The exploitation of remote work is when hackers will exploit people who work from home, either by job or schoolwork. For example, a hacker can either use phishing to gain access to the employer or student email account, then gain access to the company or university. Another example can be poor network configurations by someone's home Wi-Fi. The reason this is so prevalent is that increasingly remote work is becoming more normalized, that is, for jobs and college classes the more that time goes by this new threat will become more common just like phishing and ransomware. Because hackers will adapt in diverse ways to attack companies, schools, and individuals. 

The reason these threats are common and why they are important is because year-after-year cybersecurity is becoming more prevalent. There have been more data breaches happening, and more hackers are getting too creative. Also, people are not taking their information and their security too seriously, so that is why we have all these threats getting into common.  

Next is the consistent year after year threats and that is ransomware, phishing, and social engineering. They can affect so many companies, colleges, schools, hospitals, and others. The reason they are in constant trouble is on how much they work so well for hackers. So, they are just going to keep on doing it effectively, for example, if you hold the personal information for ransom, they will pay any amount of money for the information to get back to them or not to leak out or be sold. To further this point, the more technology we are involved with, the more this will keep happening. That is why it is a year-to-year thing. It could be prevented if a lot of people were educated in general security. What I mean by this is just knowing common cybersecurity awareness about passwords and giving out certain information. Also, if companies have better security teams or have one at all, that will be better.  

I believe ransomware will become most critical in the next 12 months. My reason is ransomware cases have been critical for a while. I feel as though it is going to get messier in the future. A lot of information and money has been lost in the past, I am guaranteed more of it is going to be lost soon.  

The chance of an exploit affecting Aim higher college is highly likely because the devices and the operating system the students and faculty that is used can be vulnerable to exploits by hackers. It depends on the college's security and security knowledge of students and faculty. Any school and college can be accessible to exploit it, just depending on how well protected it is. Also, the hopes that the people do not fall for any social engineering traps. 

In summary, the top five threats to aim for higher college are ransomware, phishing social engineering and remote work exploit also lastly Trojan horse. The reason I selected these threats is that they are the most common tactics to use in the most damage to colleges. For example, someone who can pose as a faculty member and get a student's information or another faculty member's information about the school, that's social engineering. Even stealing information and ransoming it off for some money. A lot of students are working nowadays so that remote work has a good chance of hitting. These threats can affect everyone on campus, student employees. That was my report and summary of these threats that could attack the college.

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