Personal Narrative Essay: Where I Found The Desire For Higher Education

📌Category: Education, Experience, Higher Education, Life, Myself
📌Words: 565
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 June 2021

My first job was at a local chain restaurant, I started as a bus boy. I remember thinking, “What is a busboy?”. But, being strongly encouraged by my mother to find employment and having a friend vouch for my character my next 12 and a half found it’s start. 

As I made my way into the workforce, initially I was not quick to pick up the pace of the restaurant life. It was a few months for before I was able to rid myself of my nickname, ‘The Turtle’. This created a fire within, I did not like being thought of as second rate or anything less than the best. 

Within three years I had worked my way up to dishwasher, prep cook, fry station, broiler, and line lead to arrive at the role of Assistant Kitchen Manager. 

Next, staying at the top was more of a challenge than getting there. There was always something new to learn, someone trying to push past my success to find their own.  I eventually went on a short assignment as a trainer with the traveling store opening team. However, I missed home, my family and friends, and my own bed. So, I stepped down and was offered a role at the management training store, helping develop on coming managers.  At the mark of my 12th year with this company I felt burnout, like there was nothing else I could accomplish within sight of what I wanted to achieve with my life. 

This was where I found the desire for higher education. I had a few semesters at my local colleges, but without understanding of what I wanted to pursue it seemed pointless and I withdrew. This time was different, I was different. I enrolled at ITT Tech. with a purpose, with direction and allowed what the last 12 years had taught me about my character and my determination. The main component that had been missing in my previous attempts to pursue higher education was the why.  A quote I have held onto from Simon Sinek states, ‘When people lose their why, they lose their way.’. 

Within the first 6 months while attending ITT, I had purchased my first home, gotten married and was well on my way. Soon, only to be met with being fired while on vacation during the Christmas and New Years holidays. I did not realize how much of my identity was tied to my work. It took my almost 2 weeks to find a new job, with a large pay cut, and school consuming a large part of my schedule, preventing me from working overtime. The next year and a half were a struggle. 

Arriving at graduation day, graduating with honors and being awarded employee of the year, I found myself being hired into my field of study. I took a position with the intent of pursuing my bachelors as I did not feel an associate degree was the end of my journey. 

Though my current job in my field of study kept me more than busy and learning plenty, I knew I needed to return to higher learning. Self-teaching helped but I defiantly need direction. I started a program with a local tech trade school, but this was not a good fit as it felt like starting from zero.  This and other work challenges, I had to withdraw.  

Today I am very happy to say it is time for the kids who was once called “The Turtle” to get back on the higher learning path and once again show myself what I can accomplish once I am focused and given an opportunity.

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