Essay Sample on Nursing Career

📌Category: Career, Health, Life, Nursing
📌Words: 485
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 July 2022

Being a nurse is not for the weak, it’s more than just a job it’s about creating trust with patients in your care, respect and integrity. Ever since I was young I always had a passion for helping those around me and always dreamed of one day going into the medical field. Although I was unsure for several years on what specific career in the medical field I wanted to undertake nursing always seemed to called my name.

Coming from a Mexican family who spoke little to no English, doctor visits were always something I never looked forward to. I remember at a very young age having to translate to my mother what the doctor was telling her while I was unable to fully understand what those big words that came from their mouth meant. Trying to make sense of what the nurses and doctors were saying I often felt frustrated as I would look over at my mother and would see the confused look on her face and I couldn’t help her as much as I wish I could. This has encouraged me to become a nurse as I don’t want no other children to have to go through this challenge of trying to translate to their parents while not being able to understand most of what they are saying. Being bilingual is something very powerful as it amplifies the amount of people that I can help and communicate with and hope to one day use it to help Spanish speaking families make their doctor visits less frustrating and instead focus more on what's important, their health. 

Nurses have also impacted my life in ways I would have never imagined. While my mom battled stage 3 breast cancer I was able to see how caring the nurses would be towards my mom and it made me feel more relieved as it reassured me my mom was in good hands and would soon be able to overcome this difficult time. Their sympathy and attentive care inspired me to keep working hard towards my goals as I hope one day I can be just like them and bring comfort and relieve towards families going through hard times.

Being a first generation college student also motivates me to accomplish my goal of becoming a nurse. As I've seen my parents struggle and not able to help me as much as they wish they could when it came to my education it has made me more driven and determined as I hope one day I can give back to my family for all of the sacrifices they have done for me. Although being a first generation has made me feel hopeless and frustrated it has also taught me to solve my own  problems and allowed me to see the capacity I have to achieve the things I aspire to be with hard work and dedication.

In conclusion, I believe in the near future I will be able to walk across a stage with my college degree in nursing and be able to help those in need largely due to my hard work and dedication.

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