Social Media Is The Real Cause Of Teenage Depression

📌Category: Child development, Entertainment, Health, Mental health, Psychology, Social Media
📌Words: 446
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 September 2021

Good morning to all the teachers, students out there. Thank you for giving me a chance of taking a part in this speech. So, in this grateful day, I’m going to take about whether social media is really leading teenagers to depression. 

My beloved ones, students in our school are 100% teenagers. So, I decided to interview them to ask them about their thoughts on ‘teenagers’ depression’ as well as I asked them about their opinion behind it. Here, I’m going to present them in front of your eyes.

Social media is popular among teenagers. It seems like 70% person our school are active on social media. Plus, social media is a way for teenagers to meet and make friends. But, does this always work on anyone? 

Well yes, but also no, as few stated that they are scared to use social media. They had told me that the actual reason behind it was, first, their parents are strict, second, they are afraid of cyberbullying, lastly, they don’t want to be known for the world. Although their opinions aren’t the same, but they really do mean the same. Yes. Online-bullying, which also can be identified as ‘cyberbullying’. I’m sure all of you have heard of this as many victims have been hurt by this. Cyberbullying includes ‘pranking, spreading bad rumours/fake news about someone and cheating. This kind of tragic occurs to anyone without expected time.

So, what’s up with that? Yes, my loves, they will lead teenagers to depression because of the issue from another unknown. There are some news about Cyberbullying that, many Malaysians have been affected by this. I’m concerned on how social media is really dangerous. I would like to hear your opinions about it. 

Furthermore, meeting an unknown and becoming friends also leads teenagers on depression. Yes, as we all know, we are told not to trust anyone online until we meet them in person. But, there are still some problems about it as ‘online date / love, business, gaming as they can cause a big problem. We might don’t know the real person behind this, they might hide their real identity. The problems are too many, maybe I could try to describe them in word. Yes. It’s cheating. Whether the person want a big amount of cash, so, they lie to you about it, until betray you. So, teenagers have to be so careful when meeting or talking a stranger online.

So, my beloved students and teachers, social media does lead teenagers to problems but they are safe unless you really don’t know how to use them. They are some guides and suggestions on avoiding cyberbullying. I really hope all of the teenagers will look up for it. That’s it. 

Thank you to my teachers for making me to talk about teenagers’ today. I’m so glad for sharing this for all. Bye. See you next time. Thank you again.

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