The Truman Show Movie Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 649
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 July 2022

The movie The Truman Show was an interesting take on a topic on media control and how the ideas in our heads keep us in this unrealistic illusion of our world. The members in this movie teach us a very important lesson on how the people around us can affect the way we see things.

Truman is a married gentleman that lives in a place controlled by the people above. His life has always been controlled and monitored without him even noticing until his later stages in life. Through the movie, he goes through a crisis of trying to figure out if he’s stuck in a self-perception illusion or reality. Illusions are not the determinate of the future however some people are more guided by illusions than reality.

“It feels like the whole world revolves around me somehow”

Self-perception changes due to the people we surround ourselves within our daily lives.

Truman is very influenced by three main females. His mom, Wife, and long-lost lover. When he was with his wife and mother, everything felt so perfect, maybe a little too perfect. Everything was a routine and his day-to-day activities were growing very repetitive. However, his long-lost lover made him feel so alive and free. When She and Truman were on the beach, her father had taken her away and they moved to Fiji. Ever since then he’s thought about her daily, dazing at her picture and dreaming of moving to Fiji to find her. The wife and mother, willing place Truman in The Myth of Cave. Which is a biblical place where people are held a prisoned underground unable to get to the “Real World.” He eventually learns that he is living in a fake world where anything is possible, with no boundaries.

“We accept the reality of the world which we’re presented”

In the movie, you learn that illusions can’t last forever, and even they have limits you can reach. When Truman realizes he is living this fake life. He makes a decision to try and escape this illusion of a “perfect world” and sail away. However, he is soon to find out that even the unforeseeable ocean is another illusion of a painted wall. At this time Truman finds out that he has found the limit of his life and opens a doorway to the sunshine outside of the cave. With the assistance of his curiosity and willingness to reconcile with illusion and reality, he was able to find his way out of that media-controlled life.

“I have given Truman the chance to lead a normal life. The world, the place you liv in, is the sick place” At first, Truman was seduced by the idea of a perfect world which his self-perception fed him, however, this was why he was stuck in this illusion for so long. When he finally realized at the end of the movie that he was living a lie, the best revenge was to escape and allow himself that satisfaction of finally being out of that underworld of darkness. When he reaches that key door you can’t help but feel an over-happy response knowing he is finally free. At this point in the movie is when you can see he comes to terms with the Illusions he was living and for the final time he says “ Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” This is when for the last time he reconciles with the fantasy and moves onto reality.

The main thing we learn during this movie is that when we surround ourselves with specific people it really impacts how we live our lives and what decisions we decide to make for ourselves. The second big thing we learn is that you really never know when you’re living in reality or an illusion and if you stay in a dream for too long you’ll realize that it won’t last forever and even things non-existing have limits. Lastly, we learn that even though when we wake up from illusions we will never forget them and even though it might be hard, we have to reconcile and make peace with even the worst of things because no.

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