The Destructive Impact Social Media Has On Today's Youth Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 683
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Social media is an umbrella term that refers to a wide range of social networks that connect people of all different backgrounds and involve user-generated content. Various social media platforms are used to share information, interact with people, promote businesses, etc. . Yet the effects social media holds on today’s youth is appalling. Social media impacts adolescents in today's society by causing mental health issues, ruining self-esteem, and exposing them to cyberbullying. 

Unexpectedly, the rapid growth in the use of social media is linked to the development of life-changing disorders in teens. In a Harvard article, Bryn Austin claims, ¨ social media platforms—especially image-based platforms like Instagram—have very harmful effects on teen mental health, especially for teens struggling with body image, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders¨(Austin, 2021). This statement suggests that social media reflects horribly on teenages’ mental health, causing multiple disorders which would have never existed if it weren't for social media. In addition, in an article by the CDC, it was stated, ¨Teens who spent three or more hours a day on electronic devices were 28% more likely to get less than seven hours of sleep, and teens who visited social media sites every day were 19% more likely not to get adequate sleep¨(CDC, 2015). To clarify, sleep deprivation may increase feelings of anxiety, depression, and confusion in their normal day-to-day lives. Depression in youth may decrease growth in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is vital for decision making.

Not only that, but social media destroys self-esteem in young adults who use it. In an article by the Child mind institute, Rachel claimed, ¨ In fact, experts worry that the social media and text messages that have become so integral to teenage life are promoting anxiety and lowering self-esteem¨(Ehmke, 2022)This quote explains that social media decrease teenagers self-esteem, and is as well a big part of their lives, which can mean long-lasting effects. In an article by Australian Christian college, it is stated, ¨they’re following celebrities and influencers who do a lot of Photoshopping and have makeup and hair teams,¨(Social Media and Low Self-Esteem, 2019). To elaborate, young girls, look up to these influencers then consider that to be normal, then get self-conscious when they themselves don’t meet those standards. To conclude, social media is horrible for self-image when it comes to teenagers because it portrays too high of standards for them.

Furthermore, social media is the root of cyberbullying amongst the younger generations in today’s society. For instance, according to an article, Kathryn claims, ¨Oftentimes, they are more aggressive or critical on social media because of the anonymity they have online and their ability to avoid retaliation¨(Kao, 2021). These factors contribute to a situation where the perpetrator won’t feel as much empathy or remorse as they would in real life, rather than just behind a screen. This will cause them to easily do it again and again without consequence on their part, which will result in more bullying. According to a Forbes article, Suciu claims ¨Unlike traditional bullying, cyberbullying can be ongoing, even after the youth has left school grounds, making a teen feel helpless and without haven¨(Suciu, 2021). As explained, cyberbullying doesn’t stop behind a screen, if follows teenagers everywhere by damaging reputation, causing feelings of depression throughout their everyday life, etc. All in all, the youth faces cyberbullying due to the conditions and lack of regulation on the internet and needs to be resolved. 

In conclusion, social media is the root of many problems today’s youth possess.  From causing horrible mental health to creating an environment prone to cyberbullying. Teenagers have low-self esteem and confidence, all because of social media. Now, many people in today’s society do not realize the severity of the effects it has on adolescents. Educating others on this misconduct is vital for molding a better future for our youth, without social media.


Child Mind Institute. (2021, September 22). Smartphones and Social Media. Retrieved January 28, 2022, from

Clark, A. (2020b, October 22). Frequent Use of Digital Media May Increase ADHD Symptoms in Teens, Study Finds. News. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from

How Social Media Toxic Content Sends Teens Into a Dangerous Spiral. (2021, October 8). Havard T.H. Chan. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from

Child Mind Institute. (2022, February 3). Social Media Effects on Teens | Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from,anxiety%20and%20lowering%20self%2Desteem.&text=The%20survey%20results%20found%20that,poor%20body%20image%20and%20loneliness.

Social media and low self-esteem. (2019b, November 4). ACC Blog. Retrieved January 29, 2022, from,in%20years%208%20to%2012.&text=Furthermore%2C%20social%20media%20overload%20may,esteem%2C%20particularly%20in%20teenage%20girls.

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