Essay Sample on Music in the Form of Expression

📌Category: Entertainment, Music
📌Words: 725
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 04 August 2022

Music. The dictionary definition of music is “vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” But what does music mean to you? Music takes me to a place of comfort. The sound that radiates from the speaker and headphones allows us as listeners to be dragged to an alternative universe. The flow of the rhythm intertwined with the various genres for one’s preference provides those with a sense of purity.

Listening to music has become a cycle in my everyday life. I can understand those who don’t understand the pull music has towards another because I used to be one of the unknown. Once experiencing the power of music, I will simply never turn back. Music is a form of expression as it can convey your current state of mind as well as your overall persona.

Artists use song as a way of telling a story to evoke one’s emotions. These stories allow for the audience to personally relate and connect with the song on a powerful and meaningful level. When creating such simplistic yet monumental art, it involuntarily auroses the audience's emotions. 

Music is perceived differently by every individual; we all have our own experience and definition of music. The choice of genre used can either alter your mood or enhance it. Personally, my Apple Music account consists of twelve different playlists. Yes, I know twelve is a bit excessive but each playlist holds a special relationship and encourages a different internal and external reaction. 

There’s repetiviness within my various playlists so I will simplify the most meaningful ones to me…

On a cloud

When listening to this playlist it’s almost as if I’m on pain relievers in the way it makes me happily relaxed. My nerves vanish as the songs in the playlist are rolling and it gives me frisson. It’s not a popular genre of music I’m not even sure how one would describe it, but the fact it is so different from other well known styles of music gives it more value.

Girls only

This playlist is self explanatory by the name. This playlist allows you to connect with the songs but also with your friends. They all tell relatable stories due to the fact they are more modern and present day. The reason it's solely made for girls is because I don’t know a single male that would love screaming the songs to Taylor Swift and Adele.

Summertime happiness

This playlist is simply for joyous times. I mean who doesn’t love summer? When listening to this playlist a smile automatically appears and you feel like you're on a beach with all your friends even when it’s 12 degrees outside. 


As you can guess this is a country playlist. It contains a different meaning to me because I used to be on the bandwagon of hating country music without actually listening to it. Now I can say country is proudly my favorite genre of music; It even has different genres within itself. It is an escape from life and takes me to my own personal happy place. 

Gym grind 

This playlist gives me that intense motivation when working out to keep pushing myself. It gives me life and energy. It’s very intense and harsh with no the best language but I would not be motivated to workout if I was listening to Opera. 

Before my time

This playlist consists of songs from my parents' generation and my grandparents. When I listen to this playlist it makes me wish I was born in a different era. It shows the drastic changes of popular songs from present to back then.

Crying in the club

This playlist contains stories of some form of loss. One of my strangest traits is I enjoy sad songs even when I’m not sad, in a way it makes me happy. I can’t completely describe why but it makes me feel content, maybe because I’m happy I don’t relate to it or I enjoy it so much because I do relate? Opposingly to feeling good, when I’m going through hardships and listening to this playlist there are “alligator tears,” as my mom would say, trembling down my face. 

Music is a second home. It is a great way to express yourself and is a good source of therapy. Listening to music allows us to get in touch with all of our emotions and provides light to our lives. There are many different aspects to music so you are able to determine what connects to you the most. More in depth, music is a great way to reduce anxiety and increase memory, mood, and sleep quality. This is a form of expression where words cannot successfully express.

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