Essay Example on Benefits of Social Media

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 1001
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Bing! Bing! Bing! What is that sound? That sound is a notification tone from social media apps. Social media has become a big part of our everyday lives. But is the usage of social media apps like Facebook and Twitter really worthwhile? Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are worthwhile because they bring people together that they would have never met off platform, which when these people interact and express their opinions can cause real world change, and people who use social media like Facebook get social and emotional benefits.  It’s no wonder why so many people use social media!

To start off why social media apps are worthwhile is because it can bring people together that would have never met off of the platform, in which when these fans interact with each other, can cause real world change. In passage 1, paragraph 5, it states “Due to these algorithms…users connect primarily with those who have shared political views, interests, and hobbies… Social media platforms can allow users to meet people they wouldn’t have otherwise met by creating shared forums for fans of musicians, athletes, films, etc.” This illustrates that social media apps help connect people together that they would never have met off of the platform. This is because of Facebook’s algorithms, which can allow people to meet others with the same political views, interests, etc. and share their opinions with them. People also can make fan forums that connect fans together and have good bonds with. It opens up new opportunities with new people in connection and to create strong relationships with them. This leads up to the fact that when fans are together, they can enact real world change. In Passage 1, Paragraph 6, it says “After the CW network canceled “The Game” (a show about African-American football players), fans took to Twitter to express their outrage. Fans created hashtags in support of the show that eventually became trending topics; tweets repeatedly mentioned how the show portrayed African-Americans in a way that lacked common and inaccurate stereotypes. Eventually, after seeing the online outcry, the BET network saved the series and committed to developing new episodes.” This demonstrates how fans can work together to cause change. In this case, a network canceled a show about African American football players. People rose up to action on social media, creating hashtags and expressing their outrage. This would not even have occurred if not for social media apps bringing these fans together by either forums or their own algorithms. It shows how important the fan interactions can be, and how much it can change the world. It allowed these people to show their opinions, and express themselves through these fan groups created by others on social media, which real life may never have offered. Social media brings people together that may never have met off platform, and when these people interact, they can cause change.

Next up is people who use social media can obtain emotional and social advantages. In Passage 2, Paragraph 9, it claims “ Hampton reports that those who utilize Facebook receive a greater amount of social and emotional support than non-Facebook users. He suggests this amount of support is not insignificant.” This elaborates on the fact that social media can provide more emotional and social support for social media users compared to non social media users. For example, if someone was suffering from depression, many people on social media apps would be supporting them and trying to help them through it more than off platform people would. This is important because for someone who doesn’t use social media, they may never even get any support from anyone, and may live with sadness or emotional stress forever. People offer support and coping mechanisms through social media, which can cure that person from their depression, loneliness, etc. This is impactful because it can mean your whole life you are happy and get social and emotional benefits from social media, or you tend to be sad or have emotional problems all your life and don’t get the benefits that social media offers you, which can make your life seem boring and worthless. According to passage 2, paragraph 9, the author states “Remarkably, Hampton suggests, recurrent use of the popular social media platform provides levels of support that partially equate to levels obtained from a long- term relationship with spouse or partner.” This provides information that social media apps can give social support obtainable from a long term relationship. People online can help with finding a way through hard times and give them the help they might need. Social media can give support unlike many big relationships. It shows how important and beneficial social media can be to those who are going through difficult times, because people using these apps are sympathetic, and will offer support and help whenever it is needed, and it often relates to a long term relationship because of how much people using social media will try to assist you with any problems or tough times. Social media apps can benefit people because they offer much social and emotional support, and can often provide levels of support to that of a long term relationship, which the real world barely provides.

There are still people all around the world that think that social media apps are harmful and not beneficial. They claim that we lose friends using online social media apps, and that social media’s algorithms do not allow people to see different political views or interests, and isolate them to only what they like, and not open them up for more opportunities. However, social media allows people of similar interests or viewpoints to come closer together, creating relationships that would otherwise have been impossible to find in the real world. Social media opens up opportunities for fans to meet up and express their opinions and themselves to the real world. And people using social media are like family, providing support and help through difficult times and emotions.

In conclusion, social media apps are worthwhile and beneficial because they can bring together people who have the same interests, hobbies, etc, that they wouldn’t have met in the real world, and when these fans come into action, can cause big world changes, and when people use social media, they get more social and emotional benefit and support that they may have never gotten in the real world. Social media is something that many people use to this day, and the advantages and benefits of social media are showing!

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