Essay Sample on Twitter's Mission Statement

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 422
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

As the world has evolved, so has the technology and evidently different social media platforms. It began with Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well and all became a way for people to communicate and to post pictures and comments online. Twitter is one social media platform that allows people to post their thoughts and messages and focuses less on the picture media aspect of social media and more on the comments that people can make. People have different opinions on social media in general but in terms of Twitter in particular, people have different perspectives and experiences from using it. Some might argue that Twitter has failed and has been irresponsible as a social media platform while others might say that it is one of their favourite social media networks there is today. When people have different experiences which ultimately create their opinion as a whole, it is important to identify those who say that Twitter has in fact evidently failed and has acted irresponsibly. While this is a bold claim there are also ways to argue this point based not only on experience but in fact on the written evidence and proclaimed inequality that Twitter has treated people with. Every company has a mission statement and every company's main goal is to uphold that statement and the actions and general mission of that company. On the Twitter website, the mission statement is stated as such, “The mission we serve as Twitter, Inc. Is to give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly without barriers. Our business and revenue will always follow that mission in ways that improve - undo not detract from - a free and Global conversation” (Twitter, n.d. ). According to many people on different websites and articles, there are claims that Twitter has a history of not upholding their mission statement and particularly censoring content despite the fact that they promise to not detract from the free conversation. Not only are these claims made by people on the internet but also people in public who are unafraid to share their views on this issue. This social media platform is a place where people can comment and have conversations; their mission statement confirms this. However, seemingly there have been issues and instances where Twitter has not only failed to uphold their mission statement but have been irresponsible in their history of censoring content. Not only is there a censoring and anti-harassment filter that blocks out certain content, but users can argue that Twitter has been irresponsible in allowing users their First Amendment rights. Additionally, Twitter has claimed to have been irresponsible in an environment that represents toxicity which overlaps their mission statement and their responsibilities with their company as a whole.

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