The Social Dilemma Movie Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 803
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 July 2022

The film "The Social Dilemma" is based on former employees of social media corporations discussing how they built up or rather encouraged an entire generation to get addicted to social media. This article is founded on the idea that everything in our lives has two sides, and that social media is no exception. It is up to the person to decide whether they want to use social media to their advantage or disadvantage.

I began by watching the film and taking notes on it. After that, I looked up the film on the internet and read a lot of reviews. Some were positive, while others were negative. Then I undertook a thorough examination of the film's fundamental theme, as well as its directors, producers, and others. I discovered that there was a website dedicated to the film. I skimmed through it and became acquainted with the film.

There was a section where they talked a lot about teen self-harm. Personally, I believe they were utterly blind to the causes for the same. It could be as a result of the unrealistic body/beauty standards pushed by filters/photoshop. They made it appear as if teenagers are self-harming because they are unable to interact with one another and are lonely. In addition, the directors' scenarios were ludicrous and not at all realistic. Personally, I don't see why an 11-year-old would break into a safe containing their phone; rather, it's a case of poor parenting. The film discusses how social media and advertisements may be used to manipulate people, but it also shows how they can be used to manipulate people. They keep manipulating people's minds by introducing sounds that make them scared and fearful about social media. One might ask isn't social bad and still having issues? Yes, social media has its drawbacks. It takes one's gaze away from reality and forces one to see the world through the lens of the digital social realm. It only filters positive situations, leaving one to wonder: if everyone else in the world is happy, why am I not? Furthermore, the distribution of skewed facts and deliberate misinformation cannot be controlled or monitored at such a large scale. Advertising money drives business, therefore social media businesses are incentivized to increase ad conversion as their primary source of revenue. This leads to an unhealthy link between the development of a good product and the generation of income. However, the film claims that a person is compelled to consume its product and is thus exposed to these issues through addiction and manipulation. Isn't that, on the other hand, what makes a product good? When one visits an excellent restaurant, for example, people are "directed" to return and spread the word about the place. Sharing such information concerning the business practices of social media businesses is also unethical. Loosely, it comes to my attention that the film makes one overlook the fact that social media is genuinely for the benefit of the public, and how, when, and how much one uses it is entirely up to the individual. One fails to recognize that social media has more benefits than drawbacks. The speakers in the movie continue to discuss how social media generates revenue by displaying adverts. I'm not sure how that qualifies as a "problem" that the speakers keep bringing up. Advertisers aren't taking advantage of us; they're not tricking us into liking their page or visiting their website. Because social media is regarded as an entertainment platform, I don't believe it harms anyone if it entertains us by showing us the things we like. Many people have benefited from social media in light of the present Covid-19 crisis. When there was a shortage of beds, for example, people assisted strangers in receiving assistance as soon as feasible. Indeed, social media demonstrates how kind society is, and how we as humans care for one another without expecting anything in return. During these periods, education was also only feasible through social media platforms. People who are isolated could still be capable of communicating with their family members. All of this was only possible because of social media. The irony of the film's protagonist, Tristan Harris, requesting their social media followers (yes, they have social media accounts — even the film has its social media presence) to spread the word about it being free to view on YouTube — a platform attacked in the film — cannot be overlooked. 

This film repeatedly emphasises the dangers of social media, how it manipulates one's mind, causes behavioural changes, and so on. It refuses to acknowledge that life would be inconceivable without technology or social media. Social media, in my opinion, is the need of the hour in today's world. People should not be frightened to use social media, but they should be mindful about how much time they devote to it. They must remember that it is an entertainment platform that is not intended to harm anyone. In terms of addiction, it is once again the responsibility of individuals to guard themselves from being hooked to social media. They must decide when they can and cannot be on it. Also, the age limitations are in place for a reason, which should be remembered at all times.

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