Essay Sample on Digital Pollution

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 464
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Digital pollution is an ongoing problem, and it has been for years, but recently, it's gotten much worse. Software has become so advanced, people can create any image they want, and it will look real. Social media is now a popular way to get news, but not everything on the internet is true. More and more spam is being sent, because of how easy it is. The effects of digital pollution could be severe.

Major problems can occur when false information is spread. For example, the text, "Sifting through Digital Pollution for the Facts", states, "if you share a particular post on Facebook, you have the chance that Mark will give you millions of dollars." Many people acted on it, hoping there was truth to it. Moreover, the text states, "when RIP Cher began trending on Twitter... many of fans reacted with shock and disbelief." This can be a problem because, Cher is still alive. False information can undoubtedly ruin business' reputations, presidential candidates could lose votes, and much more. It's important to find trusted sources, and only share information if you know it's real.

People love looking at fake images, without knowing if they are real. Camera tricks have been around for years, but with new software, photos look more and more realistic and could easily trick people. The text states, "some of the best examples of false images include a picture of a snowstorm in Florida, a double-decker bus race in 1933, and civil war soldiers sitting on a tank." Most photos are spread on social media, and real or not, they could go viral and cause issues. As well as that, "Creating Viral Fake-Outs", states, "they need to take the time to make sure of what they are seeing before they do anything."

Spam is a popular marketing technique, but some people don't realize why it's so popular. It's because of how easy it is. When advertising, the goal is to reach as much of the audience as you can. Email marketing is a great and simple method for this. Why? It's free of charge, and you can send emails to thousands of people at a time. The text states, "There are no envelopes to address, and there are no stamps to affix." This makes email marketing a whole lot more efficient. The text, "What is Spam?", also states, "Although the odds of getting a positive response from a spam email may not be very good, the sheer number of emails that can be easily sent means that there would be enough of a response to make it worthwhile."

Digital Pollution is a major problem in today's society. Nowadays, software is so advanced, people can make almost any fake photo realistic. Social media has become a popular way to get news, but not everything you see on there is true. More and more spam is being sent, because of how easy it is. It's better to be safe than sorry, make sure any news you share online is factual.

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