Racism and Discrimination in Social Media Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Racism, Social Issues, Social Media
📌Words: 778
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 August 2021

It is close to every time I open my phone, another breaking story is released about a racially fuelled attack whether it be physical abuse or comments on social media. Unfortunately, with each new story published, the knot in my stomach tightens and I further question our society’s ability to accept. It is about time we put an end to racism and the initial stage must be a higher accountability towards the offenders for their comments made on social media.  

The Australian government currently has a law in place that allows for people to undertake racist actions with no legal punishment.  As a part of the ICERD agreement with other countries, Article 4A states an “offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred” is deemed an illegal act.  However, Australia declined this section in the agreement and after searching through the internet, I could not find answers as to why, so, now agreeing to this would be an advancement to a better future.  It would force those who are a part of this behaviour to be held accountable and punished for their actions due to the harm they have caused.

From the unfair treatment of Colin Kaepernick to the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, or even more recently the attack on AFL star Paddy Ryder through social media, people think there is serious improvement, but there is not.  The prejudice and resulting treatment of this racist behaviour toward people of colour is disgusting and it needs to stop.  It has been bred through generations and generations and short-term fixes that are in place in the current climate won’t cut it, it is time to do more.

Racism can occur in many forms and sizes but none of these should happen, all must stop.  During June 2021, Paddy Ryder made headlines after a man in his 30’s abused Ryder in a tweet that ridiculed the colour of his skin.  Ryder, a proud Indigenous man, immediately called out the behaviour along with other players including Patrick Dangerfield.  The local football club where the man was involved released a statement stating he ‘apologised unreservedly to Paddy Ryder and the St Kilda Football Club’ and that they had ‘dealt with this matter internally.’  But what is the punishment here?  After Ryder had to deal with being vilified and belittled, what does this man experience that hurts him?  That is why social media platforms need to act and put rules in place that would prevent this man from owning a social media account in the future as he is clearly not responsible enough to own one.  Owning a social media account is a privilege, it should be treated like this too.

These companies need to have stronger registration policies that would enable them to specifically identify the attackers individually as well as preventing them from future offences.  This would mean that those who use such disturbing and hurtful language will simply not have the innocence they currently hold.

Between the 30th of April and 3rd of May, the major soccer clubs and leagues in England undertook a ‘social media boycott’ ‘in response to the ongoing and sustained discriminatory abuse received online by players and many others connected to football.’  The need for such a large-scale response by these groups displays the need for change amongst social media platforms.  Kick It Out is an organisation that is aiming to create a discrimination-free sport of soccer which is why they ran this social media boycott.  From this boycott, they had four main aims:

1. Improved prevention to stop abuse in the first place

2. Account verification so people cannot write anonymously

3. Increased punishments for those who do attack

4. Government Intervention to fast-track Online Harms Bill

Those who comment such terrible judgements are those who are also of the belief that these laws and protection policies are not needed at all.  Personally, I believe it is the lack of education and ancient beliefs that have been taught through generations for so many people that leads to such beliefs and a reason as to why they are happy to use such harmful language.  However, with such laws implemented, these people may be less inclined to undertake such unacceptable behaviour leading to a more positive and safe community for us to be involved in.

This boycott has highlighted the need for change amongst social media players to protect not only players but other members of the larger community.  I, along with many others have a growing concern that if nothing is done now, this problem will continue to expand and become worse.  It is time for identification on social media to be a requirement and punishment for those who use such ugly behaviour.  Social media can be such a powerful weapon for change and positivity, so it is time we removed such discrimination from a place so many use and love so much.

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