Immigration: Important to the Success of America Persuasive Essay Sample

📌Category: Immigration, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 1333
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Everyone wants equal rights, and everyone wants a spot in the place that they best thrive in. America is the home of inventors, heroes, and some of the most intelligent people in the world, which is why everyone wants to live in the great country you are in control of. If American’s can freely live in this country, why can’t immigrants get an opportunity? Immigration is one of the biggest topics of conversation in our country simply because Americans are scared of what mysteries and dangers lie behind our borders, and with growing concerns of COVID-19, there is worry about disease rushing into our country. America was built off of all men being equal, yet why does that only apply to Americans and not foreign-borns? When you think of America you think of an incredible country that is full of diverse cultures, and a strong economy thanks to immigrants and what they have brought to America. I absolutely believe that without immigration, our country wouldn’t be as great, and the economy would greatly slow down.

Personally, my mother traveled from Ireland to the U.S and that is where she met my father during a business trip. If it wasn’t for immigration I would not be living here in America and I simply would not be living at all. I know you are working towards a better immigration system already as president, but I would like to see more prioritization towards the topic and give more people opportunities to contribute to America’s economy. More specifically, Title 42 should be revoked as you promised to do so. I understand that COVID-19 has become more of a worry than it did in the beginning, but by extending title 42, you are limiting immigrants from accessing asylum and other opportunities. I do believe immigrants do get great opportunities in America, but I feel like they do not get recognized enough and there are multiple false rumors regarding them and the immigration system. Although many people believe immigrants are bad for America, foreign-born workers are a large part of the U.S. workforce and they contribute a great amount to America’s economy; therefore, immigrants are viable to America’s success.

Immigrants are being held at the border and unable to reach America, yet immigrants are the ones that contribute huge amounts to America’s economy because of their dedication and entrepreneurship. Esther Yu-Hsi Lee, an immigrant herself, works as a reporter for ThinkProgress. Lee investigated how immigrants who are only eligible for legal status, but not citizenship, would contribute about” $832 billion to the economy in a ten-year period”(Lee). “Non-citizens would also add 121,000 more jobs per year and pay $109 billion in taxes over a ten-year period” (Lee). Lee also explains how the “U.S GDP would grow by 1.4$ million over a ten-year period” (Lee). Immigrants create companies at twice the rate of native-born American’s and these companies create opportunities for other immigrants and other native-born workers, therefore people are relying on these immigrants for their own pay and essentially what their life is built upon. Our economy greatly depends on immigrants for what they put into it. If we deport large masses of immigrants, it would not only get rid of this great influx of money, but it would also cost too much money to drag every illegal out of America. This mass deportation would drain nearly “$8 trillion from the economy and also cost taxpayers close to $600 billion in the next 20 years” (FWD). Currently, America is $28.9 trillion in debt which is a substantial amount, and using $8 trillion to deport immigrants would only make our financial situation worse. It seems simply pointless to deport hard-working immigrants considering they aren’t doing any harm to our economy, they are the ones who are largely responsible for the success of the economy and many businesses. 


The majority of America’s success comes from companies named the “fortune 500”, these are essentially the largest companies that were ranked on annual revenues. From the fortune 500 companies, “nearly half of them were created from immigrants and their children” (Skiles). I never knew this before researching the topic which surprises me because it seems like immigrants hardly get credit for what they have achieved. There has been a “large number of immigrants deported in fiscal 2019 which is 339,000 immigrants”, and with all of this contribution to America and the economy, immigrants need to stop being deported in such high numbers (Budiman). 

If someone feels at risk or hears a rumor about something dangerous, humans automatically assume. These assumptions are hurtful and demeaning, yet people assume immigrants come into America to steal others’ homes and jobs, which is a false misconception. Immigrants come to America due to many factors, some of these factors they cannot control themselves. These are known as the “push-pull” factors. The push is the “poverty and violence” that pushes immigrants out of their homes and creates a necessity of travelling in search of a better home, and the pull part is “job opportunities” that “pull immigrants into economic safety in another country” (Emi). Both of these factors are our “basis of survival” and it is something we cannot control because, without security, we wouldn’t feel safe and comfortable (Emi). These job opportunities are specific jobs that Americans don’t do themselves, so pushing American’s out of their jobs is inane also considering “non-citizens create 121,000 jobs a year”(Lee).

The opinion is one of the strongest things a human can hold, which is why opinions are used to create false information about immigrants. People believe that non-citizens immigrating cause crime and chaos in America which is incorrect, it’s actually the opposite according to research. In 2018, “the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native-born Americans in Texas.” and “violent crime goes down as immigration increases.”(Nowrasteh). This evidence concludes that immigrants aren’t criminals and they actually slow crime rates down. If immigrants slow the rate of crime, then keeping them in America and introducing more of them would statistically be beneficial for everyone. Of course, some illegal immigrants could cause crime but statistics oppose people’s claims of immigrants as a group of criminals. It is typical for news programs to put a spotlight on this crime which is why I believe immigrants are being mistreated and misrepresented. 

As President, you have one of the biggest and most powerful voices that can be used to shift the minds of many in America. Immigrants, whether legal or not, have changed and will continue to change many parts of America, especially the economy. It’s important that everyone can get an equal opportunity in America no matter where they are from, which is why it doesn’t make sense to remove illegal immigrants from the U.S and also expel immigrants from the borders. Title 42 holds great importance to our country as it keeps people safe from the spread of disease, yet you haven’t revoked this title as you promised and people are beginning to believe it isn’t being used for public safety, but only for keeping immigrants from seeking asylum (“Hias”). Adapting is essential to many jobs especially one where you are looking over the well-being of American citizens, so there are other ways to slow and even stop the spread of COVID-19. Mask mandates for public events have clearly stopped for some places and mask mandates for public buildings have also been taken down. If the people were to wear masks more, then COVID-19 wouldn’t have risen in numbers so greatly within the past months. Why would you push people out of your country in hopes that would stop the spread?  This simply just doesn’t make sense. Along with letting immigrants into our country for asylum, raising awareness for immigrants and sharing their stories is greatly important as they have been misrepresented in our country. A lot of false accusations have been pointed at illegal immigrants, but if the truth was revealed to the people, I guarantee not everyone would still like them due to economic competition. Protecting everyone is important for America and of course greatly important for immigrants themselves as we all live in a system where everyone can benefit from one another.

Thank you for your dedication towards our country and thank you for taking time out of your day to consider my thoughts. It is important that America is in the best place it can be for everyone living in the country, and taking steps to unite immigrants and American citizens is a step in the right direction. Responding to my letter would be greatly appreciated as I am interested to know more about your thoughts on this topic. Thank you.

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