Police Brutality Problem in The United States Essay Example

📌Category: Government, Law enforcement, Police Brutality, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 1020
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 04 June 2021

Are all police officers who are intended to protect and serve really following their standards of being a cop? Police brutality against African Americans has always been an issue in America and it needs to be stopped. Police brutality refers to police officers using an immoderate amount of force by law enforcement officers. Immoderate force is obviously one of the most frequent types of police brutality we worry about today. Police brutality in america researched that an African american person is three times more likely to be killed and attacked than a Caucasian person. 

The utilization of unreasonable force by police against unarmed Black Americans can't be supported and ought to be treated as a public health problem. Police brutality and racism has been an issue in America for a very long time. Racism is believed to be a significant reason for police brutality administered towards African Americans and other ethnic gatherings. 

In the text Thompson stated that,  “They said, in essence, that America's police departments have a history of targeting and violating black people. That is it. But since we live in a country where police officers are so highly respected and immune to criticism—even when they are recorded doing something wrong—de Blasio's timid remarks qualify as anti-cop”(Thompson).  This is very important to address because police officers are highly respected too much, to the point where they are getting away with doing something wrong and being recorded but receiving no punishment. These police officers are blatantly racist and are violating African Americans. Additionally, Police officers formed an operation putting less significant cases involving African Americans before critical cases. German states that, “In 2018 and 2019, the FBI conducted nationwide assessments of "Black identity extremists'' under an intelligence collection operation it called "Iron Fist", prioritizing these cases over investigations of far more prevalent violence from white supremacists and far right militants over that period, including mass shootings at a Pittsburgh synagogue and an El Paso shopping mall”(German). This actively demonstrates that police officers created this absurd organization called “Iron fist”. It shows how blatantly racist police officers could be towards African Americans. Completely putting more severe cases and violence from Caucasian people to the side. 

Police officers should not have the right to use military gear dealing with civilians. 

A Lot of studies go to show that as soon as police officers received military gear the death rates have gone up. Delehanty goes on to explain that, “In our study, my coauthors and I found that the police agencies who received the most military gear had, in the year after getting the equipment, a rate of civilian killings more than double that of police departments that had received the least amount of military equipment through the 1033 Program. While data limitations limited our analysis to four states, our findings were replicated with nationwide data(Delehanty). Officers should not need to use such high quality equipment until they really need to protect themselves. Police with military gear does not reduce crime or improve the safety of police officers. In addition, Some people are genuinely terrified of interactions with police officers because of their race or even past experiences with police. Civilians are definitely less trusting of officers now then ever. Delehanty says, “And yet, all that equipment has done more harm than good. Militarization of police doesn't reduce crime or improve officer safety – but it does make civilians less trusting of the police, with good reason” (Delehanty). Officers are supposed to be helping us to make these communities better and more safe to live in without worrying.

Civilians like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have experienced police brutality and were killed. Both being people of color and experiencing horrible things Breonna taylor and George Floyd did not deserve being murdered. Breonna Taylor was an EMT in Louisville Kentucky and her home was raided, shortly after she got shot 8 times. Blain explained that, 

“Breonna Taylor's story is reminiscent of countless others, and reflects a long-standing pattern: For decades, black women have been targets of police violence and brutality” (Blain). The reason for Breonna getting shot is due to mistaken identity. The officers had entered her house without warning her, and the officers were looking for a drug raid. Breonna Taylor got shot and absolutely no traces of drugs were ever found. Furthermore, George Floyd also dealt with police brutality and was murdered.  “The US has been brought to this point by a long-term legitimacy crisis of the American elite, accompanied by rising levels of mass discontent and coercive state responses. The Floyd killing appears to be the spark that lit the fuse. The protests are fueled by anger at other recent deaths of minorities from police brutality, and at the disproportionate effects of the coronavirus pandemic on African-Americans” (Parmar). Floyd just wanted to buy some cigarettes and used a counterfeit bill, the employee ended up calling 911 on Floyd. One police car showed up and shortly after another and then another. Floyd was pinned to the ground by three police officers and no more than 9 minutes later Floyd was showing no signs of life at all. So many people started to protest and the day later all three officers were fired and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Both Breonna Taylor and George Floyd absolutely did not deserve a single thing they went through and sadly it all happened because they were people of color.

Due to my research, I have come to comprehend that police brutality is an issue that is significantly affecting the African American people group. I have gone through more than a few distinct circumstances of how police abuse and misuse their force and they don't have any outcomes. The framework is piled facing the African American population and it is no equity for any of the wrongdoings that the cops carry out. The police have the law on their side and they can simply remove somebody's life and they will get honored for killing somebody. The African American population doesn't confide in the police since cops target them in any event, when they are not doing nothing wrong. At the point when you are African american and live in the ghetto that you can be halted and searched at any second on account of the shade of your skin. Police brutality is for the most part toward African Americans. The quantity of shootings that have occurred in the course of the most recent decade of guiltless African Americans being shot while being unarmed and cuffed is continually developing. At that point they cops are pulling off murder and they are not losing their positions.

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