Religion In American Culture Essay Sample

📌Category: Culture, Religion, United States, World
📌Words: 478
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

The relationship between religion and culture is strong in many ways. Almost everything humans do leads back to our cultural and/or religious beliefs. Although we may not think about it from that perspective, these everyday activities are of course, normal to us. The effect religion has on American culture goes further than just everyday habits. Religions can influence how the government operates. It can have effects on how we advance in technology and science. Religion can have effects on small communities or regions of the world. The role of religion in American culture reveals itself in tradition, unity, and freedom. 

Holiday traditions play a big role in American culture. There is a diversity when it comes to religion in America. Some of these traditions bring everyone together. The month of December offers three winter celebrations that overlap. Christmas is a Christian holiday celebrating the life of Jesus. When Christmas is approaching, most towns put up decorations on light poles, a Christmas tree downtown, and a Christmas parade. Hanukkah is a Jewish tradition celebrated with lighting the menorah. Kwanzaa is an African American during the last week of December. Easter is another Christian holiday celebrating the rebirth of Jesus. This Spring holiday offers a time for renewal. Trees and flowers are bursting with color. Whether it is an easter egg hunt or a church service there are activities for believers and nonbelievers. These gatherings bring people of all faiths together.

One of America’s values is unity. Religion has been shown to create social unity. The ability to come forward to help each other shows a belief in fellow humans. It underscores “The Golden Rule”, treat others the way you would like to be treated.  This is shown in situations of natural disasters. People of different faiths join together to help victims of floods, fires, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Examples of help are sending food, water, clothing, and household supplies into these areas. People of different beliefs come as one to help rebuild their community. 

Religions represented around the world teach freedom. Culture determines the degree of freedom given. There is evidence of religious freedom in our daily lives. Religious groups support the community in numerous ways. A large number of religious groups operate soup kitchens, drug addiction centers, homeless shelters, and schools. Religious freedom helps maintain America’s diversity. People of different religions and cultures can live together without fear of persecution from the government. People from different backgrounds come together to help represent American culture. 

Religion plays a vital role in my community and in America. There are disagreements when it comes to religions. Not everyone is going to always agree. The basic good is evident. People helping each other demonstrates American culture. I think the level of religion shown today is uplifting. My research has made me realize that religion is more prevalent than I thought it was. Religion is not just sitting in church but the community working together to provide homes, clothing, and food to all. There have been obstacles such as Covid. This hasn’t stopped the generosity of our community. This truly shows that religion is intertwined with American culture.

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