Things To Do At Lake Powell Essay Example

📌Category: Environment, Nature, Traveling, United States, World
📌Words: 1059
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 13 April 2021

Traveling gives you a chance to escape from your everyday life. The hardest part about traveling is determining where you and your family should journey that will fulfill everyone’s needs for the vacation. If you are looking for a place that possesses beautiful scenery that will catch your eye, help distract you from the stress of your everyday life, and a family-friendly vacation, then Lake Powell is the vacation spot for you! Lake Powell is budget-friendly, costing only seven dollars for parking per week. This gives you the opportunity to save money while having an enjoyable time with your family. Lake Powell is the place everyone goes to escape from their habitual lives, but since it is such a massive lake, you do not even need to worry about feeling crowded! 

Lake Powell has the most alluring landscapes; the flaming sun beams down on the red, sandy rocks will definitely catch your eye. The water is turquoise blue, glassy clear, and the perfect temperature, not too warm but not too cold. As you fall asleep underneath the dark sky, the waves crash against the boat, causing it to sway as if you were a baby being rocked to sleep. Plus, the whistling of the wind causes an effect as if you had your very own sound machine. There are also gleams of light shining down on you as the bats come out to eat; they swoop in and out of the boat, enabling you to examine exactly how they live their magnificent lives. The sky is also cloudless, allowing you to find all of the constellations and figure out what phase the moon is in. As the morning comes, the sun slowly rises, radiating off a pink, yellow complexion and beaming down to allow you to wake up and witness the gorgeous sunrise. 

As you get ready to have a fun day out on the lake, the wafting scent of sweet maple syrup glides throughout the boat, letting you know that breakfast is ready to be served. As you make your way to the kitchen, you hear everyone’s laughter, that brings you immense joy to be able to be on vacation with your family. There are stacks on stacks of pancakes covered in the drizzle of the sweet syrup, causing you to dive into the plate before you head out to go swimming. The water is completely still, not a shimmer of movement, allowing you to pull out the kneeboards and go shred. The perfect morning, to the start of a perfect vacation.

The next best part about Lake Powell is how you have no worries while you are there. Depending on where you beach your boat, the cell service is spotty, permitting you to disconnect from your device and spend more time with your friends and family. This gives you the chance to experience new activities like water skiing, tubing, kneeboarding, surfing, and even jet skiing. The smell of sunscreen circles the boat as everyone soaks themselves in it before jumping in the cool water to climb onto the tube. As the boat takes off, the breeze cools you down while you watch your friends and family laugh and hear the joyful screams while they are grasping to hang on to the handles. If you may not enjoy water sports as much, you can also go kayaking or paddleboarding, which gives you quality time alone. Or, you can bring a friend and layout together to try and become as tan as possible. Another plus about Lake Powell is there are plenty of spots that have red, warm sand on the beach that allows you to make sandcastles once you want to relax. This is why Lake Powell is such a family-friendly vacation spot.

Lake Powell has something for every age, allowing not only the kids to have fun but even the parents. You can make anything seem fun by incorporating the water into everything. Instead of just playing card games and not pointing out who loses, you can bring competition into it. Whoever loses gets to depart down the slide and into the glassy, blue water. This allows every age to find something fun in it plus, it is a great way to cool yourself off from the scorching heat. There are also ways to entertain the kids while making dinner. By having access to a beach, it allows the kids to play frisbee while staying close to the boat and in the sight of the parents. This gives the kids some freedom but keeps the parents at ease. Once the kids take a whiff of the smoky hamburgers and hotdogs, you will not need to beg the kids to come to have dinner; they will be sprinting to that boat, mouths watering as their stomachs grumble from hunger. Another advantage of Lake Powell is that there are no dangerous bugs that could harm the kids in any way. There are only magnificent creatures like small, green lizards that skitter along the red rock and sand, giving the kids a chance to become entertained at chasing them around. 

Even if you do not have young children, it is just as entertaining to the older kids. With how humongous Lake Powell is, it allows the older kids to have more freedom and space to explore and not be stuck with the parents the whole time. There are plenty of beautiful canyons you can ride a jet ski through to have some space from everyone else on the boat. Plus, plenty of places to go cliff jumping and a variety of levels. From fifteen feet high to six feet high, as long as there are no rocks close to the surface, anyone can find a place to go cliff jumping. Unlike other vacation spots, Lake Powell can please everyone! It allows the parents to have a break just like the kids, so you do not need to stress concerning what activity to do next, or even have to find one activity that will please everyone because Lake Powell has it all! 

Vacations should not be tiring and stressful; they should be fun and relaxing while you soak up the summer sun. Lake Powell can bring families together by focusing on more essential aspects of your life besides electronics and social media. While you are at the lake, you will not even wonder what everyone else is doing back home because you will be having too much fun with friends and family. It is also a plus by not being overly expensive you can stay close to home while also being able to experience great weather and beautiful scenery. Overall, Lake Powell has all of the beneficial features as well as a warm, friendly atmosphere giving you a sense of a second home. Now tell me, why wouldn’t you want to travel to Lake Powell?

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