Temple Grandin: Helping the Animals

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Environment, Social Issues
📌Words: 363
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 April 2021

Temple Grandin was different but that didn’t stop her from helping animals. “Autism is an important part of who I am and I wouldn't want to change it, because I like the way I think.” ~Temple Grandin

Animal lives matter as much as humans. Temple Grandin respected animals more than humans. Temple Grandin wanted to help animals so she devised the plan to help some animals such as farm animals. She built a contraption  for cows so they could get bathed and come out alive. Unlike other contraptions, Temple Grandin’s is what keeps the cows comforted. Temple Grandin cared for animal lives. When she found out that a lot of cows drowned at cow ranches she wasn’t very happy.

Some animals can be trained to detect danger and help save people’s lives. Dogs can help the military on missions so they can detect mines.  RDX (Research Department Explosive) is  a very strong odor in IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) that only dogs, and probably other animals, can detect. It's important for dogs to be able to smell IED’s so they can pinpoint where they’re at to save the military warriors. Dogs even help some people stop intrusions by burglars and robbers. Dogs alert people of burglars and robbers from intruding into houses.

Dogs are our friends and company. When I was young my dog would keep me company. Even though my dog wouldn’t protect me much he would keep me company when no one was home. When my brother and I  were bored we sometimes would play with the dog. My brother and I would play pass-back with a football or a soccer ball and our dog would try to grab it in his jaws and jew it for about 30 minutes until my brother and I threw something else that would catch his attention and chase it.

Temple Grandin was different from a lot of people but that did not stop her from doing great things. She made a contraption for cows to go through so they wouldn't get scared. The contraption was for the cows to get bathed. It would go through a little tiny maze and then go to the water. She made steps for them so they wouldn't slip and drown. Temple Grandin didn't want the animals to drown so she made it safe for them.

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