Essay Example: Is Minimum Wage Effective at Equal Opportunities?

📌Category: Minimum Wage, Social Issues
📌Words: 724
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Minimum wage is the lowest wage permitted by the law or by a special agreement. Does minimum wage increase employment, decrease high school drop outs, or whether they can provide for their families?  Rising minimum wage isn't effective because it would lead to more high school dropouts, less high paying jobs, and citizens would not be able to provide for their family with more money. 

First of all, workers will work more if we raise the minimum wage. David Neumark and William Wascher argues average wage causes workers to look for more job opportunities (35). Therefore, Neumark and Wascher describes the employers are more likely to hire someone who has work experience (35). So, the employees are uncertain that they won't receive enough hours to maintain a livable life. According to Heriot, "Our unemployment rate for those aged 20 to 24 was 11.5 percent in September—down from a year ago, but still almost three times the rate for those over the age of 35" (782). Showing that employers want young educated workers because they will perform at a higher work performance. Also, part-time workers and full-time workers can't rely on the employers for a full-time position because some professions have a qualification to work for the company for a long time. In addition, similarly, Neumark and Wascher explain employers want to have an operative industry, so they make the workers have longer shifts (781). Therefore, workers want to have reliable profession. Heriot notes that employment laws benefit those who currently have jobs because employees were given policies by their employers that states the wage and the guidelines (782). To explain, the employers must refile the total hours per week that they need to succeed. 

Secondly, high school dropouts are becoming more frequent because minimum wage is  dropping. Stéphane Crofton says we found higher real minimum wages to be associated with higher dropout rates for Hispanic students, but not for other races and ethnicities (448). Later, the high school students will regret that decision to not receive their diploma or GEC. Moreover, Crofton notes that the research is significant in the Hispanic regression so dropout rates for Hispanics are characteristic or that Hispanic dropout rates are receptive to a diversity of variables that are less appropriate for students of other traditions (458). As a result, students are determined and motivated to find any jobs available because they will discover a possible profession. Similarly, this proves high school students are dropping out because they are uncertain that they need GEC or diploma. Alan Manning notes that some individuals are unwaged, but the corporation has any exertion in filling vacancies for minimum-wage workers (129). Therefore, the company will replace the workers. What this means is the corporation will find another person who will benefit them. 

Thirdly, the average wage is ideal because workers will earn enough to support their family. In "The Effect of an Increased Minimum Wage on Infant Mortality and Birth Weight," by Komro et al. argues salaries will increase over time. (1514). Therefore, salaries will be in flux throughout time because the longer the employee works there the higher the wage is. Also, according to Komro, "it is important to note that the current national minimum wage ($15080 annual income) is not sufficient to lift some full-time workers with 1 or 2 children above the poverty threshold ($15930 and $20090, respectively)" (1514). For the reason that the federal  government's economics nearly doubled for minimum wage. Komro states "That past modest changes to state minimum wage laws appear to have had such important effects bodes well for possible beneficial effects of arrange of minimum wage increases currently under active public discussion and policymaker consideration" (1516). Also, according to Daniel Aaronson and Eric French, "we found that the average income of households with adult minimum wage workers rose by $250 per season during the first season in response to a $1 increase in the minimum wage." Likewise, the adults will gain more money over their lifetime. Aaronson and French notes that employees who earn above the minimum wage may decrease their actual spending because other customers bought the higher product and service prices ( So, customers will be cautious when deciding what to buy. 

Overall, minimum wage should be lowered because it affects all types of people.Societies will have to adapt with other people that can impact the status of wealth causing them to be in poverty. Not all citizens can afford to provide for their families. I suggest going to college and receiving a degree, so you will obtain a good job. Outside my scope is how the federal government will contribute to the outcome. But, if we all communicate more often we will be unified with equal salaries. 

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