Pros and Cons of Zoos Essay Example

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Environment, Social Issues, Zoos
📌Words: 273
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 18 May 2021

Zoos are great right? You get to be up close to animals you would normally only find in the wild. Clearly zoos are a win right? But when it comes to the animals it is really the best?

Humans have been capturing and displaying animals for thousands of years dating back to about 3500 BCE in egypt when they captured and displayed hippos, elephants and other animals. Now back there that didn't mean that any average egyptation could stroll up and view the animals at any time. Their ¨Zoos¨ were only for queens and kings. 

Zoos may be great entertainment for the humans but on the animals' side. Zoos were originally built for education, but for the most part slowly turned for the sole purpose of entertainment. And while that may seem great for the people but the animals side is another story, the captivity for the animals and be very thereating both mentally and physically. While zoos can be good to protect endangered species this doesn't always work for other species. 

From the welfare of the animals point of view it is morally wrong to keep animals in zoos because they srtip animals of their animal rights. Such as keeping them from their natural habitat, the animal is deprived of their natural social structures and companionship.  The animals may become bored,depressed and institutionalised.

At the end of the day there are some really great zoos such as the San Diego Zoo, and the Indianapolis Zoo and I say this because they support the endangered animal species and they rehabilitate animals instead of keeping them for entertainment. With that said there are bad zoos as well, because all zoos don't get sufficient funds but refuse to shut down and in effect of that the animals suffer.

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