Light Pollution Essay Example

📌Category: Environment, Pollution
📌Words: 493
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Did you know that light pollution doesn't only affect your view of the stars but, light pollution is an incredibly significant problem that affects people all over the world. The problem of light pollution in the united states today is it can disorient animals, it makes the stars far harder to see, it effects the health of humans, and how big of a problem light pollution is.

To begin with, it can disorient animals. To start with, birds can become so disorientated by light pollution that they fly in circles until they pass out from exhaustion or they run into the building producing the light. Secondly, in an article titled “Cop saves sea turtles hatching at Florida resort” freshly hatched baby turtles were confused because they thought that the light from a nearby resort was the horizon. Lastly fish lose their sense of what time it is venturing into riskier areas and leaving their hiding spots sooner during the day. Light pollution disorientates animals and it makes the stars harder to see.

Moreover, it makes the stars far harder to see. “it actually illuminates the night sky and makes it hard to see the stars.” wrote Noreen Grice in “A Light Pollution Study Near You”.

First, most children become interested in space by looking up into space and seeing the beauty of the heavens, Light pollution brings that to a complete halt. Second Light pollution makes some of the universe's greatest monuments almost impossible to see. Finally Light pollution makes the grand universe look like a speck of dust. Light pollution makes stars far harder to see and  its effect on the health of humans

Thirdly, light pollution can even affect humans“Too much light at night may even affect human health” wrote catherine clark fox in “Light Pollution” light pollution can have many effects on the health of humans. First of all it can mess with sleeping causing many peoples schedules to need adjustment. In addition it can disrupt our circadian rhythm, in other words the body's clock. Furthermore it can mess with melatonin levels. Light pollution's effects the health of humans

Finally, how big of a problem light pollution is, though it may not be as bad as let's say radioactive waste in a town's drinking reservoir, light pollution is still a pretty significant problem. Ninety nine percent of the United states and europe experience light pollution if you do the math then that's roughly 766311129 people that live in the united states of america and the european union that experience light pollution. That's not all light pollution can even affect whole ecosystems causing night to seem like day and affecting night time mating rituals. Furthermore, light pollution can affect astronomical research by obscuring the milky way from view. It even affects the economy, the u.s alone loses 3 billion dollars a year to poor lighting that's enough to cause J. Tomilson Hill to go broke. Light pollution is a large problem

In conclusion light pollution is a very large problem that affects all kinds of people for these reasons it can disorient animals, it makes the stars far harder to see, it affects the health of humans and how big of a problem light pollution is.

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