Essay Sample on China's Air Pollution

📌Category: China, Environment, Pollution, World
📌Words: 339
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Globalization has both positive and negative effects on China. China's economy is one of the world's largest, and it's experiencing many negative effects of globalization. One severe effect is an increase in air pollution. Air pollution in China's cities has become a major health and environmental risk.

Air pollution in China's cities is a serious problem. In 2016, the national library of medicine stated that "a total of 1,075,000 deaths attributed to ambient air pollution occurred in China." The Chinese government has taken measures to reduce air pollution by doing the 13th Five-Year Plan or FYP for short. The FYP tries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 18% from 2015 to 2020.

The air pollution in China's cities is due to China's rapid economic growth. The rapid economic growth has caused China's industry to grow enormously in the past few decades. This growth has led to increased energy use, and according to the institute for energy research, China's coal generation increased by 1.7% (77 terawatt-hours), increasing global coal power to 53 percent from 44 percent in 2015. The increased energy use is due to China's heavy dependence on coal for energy. In 2020, China generated 53% of the world’s total coal-fired power. Coal is the most-used energy source in China. Coal produces carbon dioxide and particulate matter or PM2.5. PM2.5 are small particles, that are 2.5 microns or smaller in diameter. They come from combustion sources, such as coal-burning power plants, vehicles, and factories.

China's air pollution is resulting in many serious health problems. Air pollution causes stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and acute respiratory infections. This problem of air pollution in China is getting increasingly worse. 

China's air pollution is a serious health risk for its people. China's air pollution is also a serious environmental risk. Air pollution can have many negative effects on ecosystems, including global warming, acid rain, damage to plants and animals. The chemicals that pollute the air can also be harmful to humans. 

In conclusion, China's air pollution is a serious problem. Air pollution in China's cities is leading to many serious health problems, and it's harming the environment. China's economic growth is the main reason for its air pollution.

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