Essay Sample on Climate Change

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 619
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 July 2022

Did you know as global temperatures increase, our societies will find it harder to adapt to the changes it brings, and some species are more likely to go extinct? Climate change is the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts could be natural, but since the 1800s, human activities such as greenhouse gases have been the main cause of climate change. What will the Earth look like if this continues? How can we prevent it?

What causes climate change? According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency there are human and natural causes for climate change. Human activities have contributed substantially to climate change through greenhouse gases. A greenhouse gas absorbs and emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases include CO2 (carbon dioxide), methane, and nitrous oxide. Currently, humans release about 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air every year, 2.5 more times the pre-industrial level of methane, and 20% more nitrous oxide since the start of the industrial revolution.  

Climate change can also be caused by natural occurrences. Changes in the Earth’s reflectivity and volcanoes are just a few examples of natural causes that can change our climate. The amount of sunlight absorbed or reflected by the planet depends on its surface and atmosphere. Dark-colored objects and surfaces tend to absorb more heat from the sun. Light-colored objects and surfaces reflect more heat from the sun. Depending on the color of an object, areas tend to feel warmer or cooler than others, therefore causing a change in the climate. As volcanoes erupt, they release large amounts of CO2 and volcanic particles. Though the volcanic particles from an eruption do not cause long-term effects because they stay in the atmosphere for a much shorter time than greenhouse gases, the carbon dioxide traps hot air and creates warmer surroundings.

What will the Earth look like if this continues? According to TIME if we don’t make any efforts to prevent climate change, the first thing we will feel is the air. Due to air pollution, the air will feel hot and heavy, we would be constantly coughing, looking at our phones to check the air quality, and even buying expensive masks when it’s too dangerous to be outside. Oceans, forests, plants, trees, and soil have been absorbing half of the CO2 levels we’ve released. Very few forests would be left, most already destroyed due to deforestation and wildfires across the globe. Oceans would be too acidic for fishermen to work or catch anything, therefore seafood would no longer be a menu option. In 5-10 years, areas on Earth will be inhabitable to humans and other beings. An increase of moisture in the air and higher sea surface temperatures have already caused a surge in hurricanes and tropical storms. Thousands of lives will be lost, and millions will go without homes. 

What can we do to prevent climate change? According to, although there are many strategies to help prevent climate change, many people across the world would have to participate to make a difference. Things to help include switching to renewable resources such as solar and wind energy, driving electric vehicles, and placing a limit on the carbon dioxide we emit in a given timeframe. Using solar and wind energy would create jobs, cut pollution, and provide power to the densest populations and most rural regions of the world. Driving electric would eliminate the need for using gas and reduce the amount of CO2 significantly. In fact, just one electric car on the roads can save an average 1.5 million grams of carbon dioxide in a little over one year. For carbon dioxide to be at a controllable level, scientists say our CO2 emissions would need to fall by about 45%.

In conclusion, climate change could be punishing if not dealt with right away. Scientists across the globe are giving us the blueprints of saving our planet. It is up to us to listen and act. The future of many to come is in our hands.

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