Why Zoos Should Not Be Abolished?

📌Category: Animal rights, Animals, Environment, Social Issues, Zoos
📌Words: 642
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 April 2021

There is an ongoing debate about whether zoos should be abolished or not. Zoos are large facilities where a collection of wild animals are kept, housed, and fed. They have gardens and parks where animals are studied and conserved. Many people agree that zoos are like prisons to animals and would like zoos to be taken down. However, that is not exactly the case. Zoos provide an abundance of welfare towards animals and people.  Zoos should stay because of the many benefits that they provide for wildlife and society.

To start, zoos preserve wildlife and benefit animals. According to (Treehugger.com), “. . . 6 animals have been saved from extinction by zoos.”. Without zoos, those endangered animals would have become extinct and future posterity would not ever get to see those animals. Furthermore, The U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity concluded that, “Every day, up to 150 species are lost.”. At this rate, in the future, wildlife might not exist. Secondly, DiscoverWildlife states “ Many smaller species live longer in zoos compared to their wild counterparts because life spans in the wild are shorter due to predation.”. By allowing the animals to live longer and reproduce without predatory threats, endangered species have a greater chance to get back to healthy numbers. For example, most zoos have parrots which would usually get eaten by other bigger birds of prey. However, with zoos, the parrots are kept safe in their own enclosures so they can’t be killed by predators allowing them to live longer.

Secondly, zoos allow people to appreciate the beauty of wildlife and help promote conservation. “More than 4 billion people – more than half of the world – live in urban areas” reports Our world in Data.  In fact, the number has increased dramatically since 1960 when more people lived rurally. With the increase of more cities, fewer people have had easy access to wildlife enjoyment. Zoos are convenient in which they allow you to witness various animals from different countries all in one place. Furthermore, zoos mimic the animal’s natural habitats, so viewing the animals at zoos is very similar to seeing in the wild. This would promote the viewers to protect wildlife because seeing animals in person is more memorable than looking at animal photographs. In effect, this could stop the decline of many endangered animals that humans rely on for an ecological balance on earth. A survey conducted by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums associations, showed that annually more than 700 million people visit zoos and aquariums worldwide. In turn, those visitors get environmentally educated ( waza.org ). For example, visitors get educated in habitat conservation and ecological balance (livescience.com). People need zoos to help teach them about how their decisions impact the environment so that the environment remains healthy and sustainable.

Lastly, zoos have high standards in the care of their animals. Animals in zoos are not neglected. According to The Washington Post, “ To stay accredited, zoos must participate in wildlife conservation and community education. They also must provide the animals with appropriate stimulation to keep their minds and muscles active.”. For example, zoos have their animals follow a keeper’s commands or let them forage for their food ( washingtonpost.com). This shows that zoos ensure their animals are mentally and physically healthy.  Another example of how zoos care for their animals is reported in the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. They state, “ Some zoologists focus their research on animal behavior . . . By conducting research, zoologists learn more about their animals and accordingly are better able to meet their needs and protect them.”. Zoos really care about making sure that their animals’ needs are met so zoos are beneficial to animals and should stay.

To conclude, zoos aid in the welfare of animals, society, and the environment. The benefits that zoos provide are crucial to society and the wellbeing of animals. Zoos should not be abolished because they help save endangered species, help people appreciate wildlife, and because they have high standards in their animal - care. Support local zoos by making a donation so that they can help protect more endangered animals and support conservation. 

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