Banning Cars Essay Sample

📌Category: Cars, Environment, Life, Pollution
📌Words: 558
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Motor vehicle emissions contribute to ambient levels of air toxins known or suspected as human or animal carcinogens. Motor vehicles have caused exposure to air toxins that can cause noncancerous health effects, such as neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, and/or immune system damage. People argue that cars are beneficial, and others argue that it's harmful. Cars should be banned because, it would reduce air pollution, encourage a healthier lifestyle, encourage cities to improve public transport and provide options for biking and walking.

Banning cars would reduce air pollution. In the article, “15 Major Cities Around the World That Are Starting To Ban Cars,” it said, “The air quality in Rome is so bad, it's threatening the longevity of the city's monuments. A 2017 study from the city's culture ministry found that 3,600 stone monuments and 60 bronze sculptures…” Air pollution is “bad” and threatening the longevity of their city’s monuments and reducing the air pollution would help the longevity of the precious monuments. They say in the article, “Mexico City was once the world's most polluted city, but has since improved its air quality thanks to a policy…” As communicated in the passage, Mexico City was the most polluted city and because of them reducing the air pollution by banning cars their air quality has improved. Banning cars would be the start to reducing air pollution and improving air quality.

This encourages a healthier lifestyle for people to develop and grow. The article “15 Major Cities” writes, “The city is also extremely bike-friendly, with more than half of its population choosing to bike to work each day.” Because of the ban on cars, more than of their population are choosing to bike to work and in turn a healthier lifestyle. Another example said was, “These commuting habits are encouraged by a series of bicycle-only superhighways, along with pedestrian-only zones…” Because of the ban, series of bicycle-only superhighways, and pedestrian-only zones, people’s commuting habits changed and encouraged people to have a healthier lifestyle. Reducing cars would inspire people to have a healthier lifestyle and encourage others to join them.

Cities are encouraged to improve public transport and provide options for bikes and walking. Said in the article, “Brussels has also enacted a number of measures to promote alternate forms of transportation. A new emergency plan stipulates that subway, trams, buses, and shared bikes will become free to the public on high-air-pollution days.” This provides an alternative to transportation and encourages cities to improve their own transportation. Others in the article have said, “… put forward a plan to only allow emissions-free vehicles by 2030…, they've set aside around $115 million to improve bike paths and parking, and around $282 to improve bicycle infrastructure.” This presents an example of how cities are improving their transportation options and encouraging them. With multiple healthier alternates to transportation, cities would be encouraged to improve public transport and provide other options to choose from.

Some people think that many cities are not built for walking or bike riding. They are mistaken because adjustments can be made and accommodated. An example from the article stated, “A new emergency plan stipulates that subway, trams, buses, and shared bikes will become free to the public on high-air-pollution days.” This displays progress and accommodation for the situation. Cities can be accommodating and be built for walking and bike riding if changes are made.

Because of benefits of, reduced air pollution, encourage a healthier lifestyle, and encouraging cities to improve public transport and provide options for bikes and walking cars should be banned. Do what is right for the health of humans and nature by banning cars, this is another step for improving society.

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