Essay on Teen Struggles

📌Category: Child development, Education, Friendship, Health, Life, Love, Mental health, Psychology, School
📌Words: 807
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 June 2021

Being a teenger in this day and age comes with an immense amount of struggles. School can often be stressful for teens and they often don’t know how to manage their workload. The relationships that teens develop inside and outside of school often impact them for the rest of their lives and unfortunately, teens commonly make poor decisions as to who they choose to be friends with. Along with these issues, mental health is another issue that teens may have to deal with and it can interfere with their daily lives. Mental health can also affect the other problems that teens can run into (i.e. school and relationships. Furthermore, school, relationships, and mental health are problems that many of today's teens run into and struggle with.

School is an extremely important part of every teens life. Some teens enjoy going to school and participating in school activities, but for some, school can be a struggle or even a stressful place to be. For example, some teens may feel that they are obligated to surpass their classmates with their grades or even get perfect grades in all their classes. They may feel that they need to do this because they want to please their parents, teachers, peers or themselves. Another struggle that comes with school is that some teens may feel like they have to fit in with their peers. This can cause some stress that they have to be perfect to fit in or to be accepted by others. As well as that, Students with disabilities, such as dyslexia, ADHD or ADD, may find school harder or a to be a stressful or uncomfortable environment to be in. This can also apply to people who experience anxiety or have anxiety/stress disorders. In other words, school can be a problem for teens for a multitude of reasons.

Relationships play a huge role in every teenangers life because they are still developing mentally. Having healthy relationships at school with classmates and teachers is extremely important. Having those relationships can help them to succeed in their classes (they may be more comfortable with asking for help or questions if they have created these relationships) and have an overall more positive and enjoyable experience at school. Teens can also struggle with family relationships. Not having positive relationships with their family can put stressors on them and affect them emotionally. Having healthy relationships with family specifically can help give teens a support system and sense of security. For teens, having someone to talk to and go to when needing help is extremely important. On the other hand, teens having romantic relationships can also be equally as helpful as a family relationships or connections. They can also apply stress to teens' lives when they are put in situations with their significant other where they feel obligated or pressured to engage in sexual activity or things they may not be comfortable with. That alone can make teens feel like they have been left to fend for themselves. Though, many teens aren’t in romantic relationships themselves, they may feel that they must have a romantic partner in their lives. So, even if they aren’t actively participating in a romantic relationship, they can still be affected by the want of a partner. Over all, any and all types of relationships can and will greatly affect teens in their current lives and in their futures.

Another issue that teens commonly deal with, is mental health. Now, mental health issues can affect anyone of any age or gender, but teens commonly struggle with it. When teens are struggling with mental health and they do not reach out for help with maintaining it, it can affect their everyday lives and even their adulthood. Unfortunately, 1 in 5 people (ages 12-18) either have a mental illness or mental health disorder. Due to that statistic, when teens don’t reach out for help they have an increased chance of developing a mental disorder or illness. This can impact other aspects of their life including their education and relationships. Sadly, all this is often brushed off or ignored by others. The result of being brushed off by others can cause teens to feel alone and disvalue what they’re feeling. Sadly, there is also a stigma behind mental health and mental illness. People who struggle with mental health issues have been perceived as weak or attention seekers. This is often what stops teens from talking to someone about their mental health because they don’t want to be stigmatized. Nevertheless, mental health is still something that teens commonly have to deal with today and it should be something that is not be disregarded.

School, relationships, and mental health are common problems among teenagers. School is where most teens spend hours on hours a week, so it's important that they feel comfortable in that environment. Additionally, the relationships that teens develop impact them greatly in their current reality and their future. Along with that, teens' mental health issues are often ignored or put down by others and they end up struggling and going through it on their own. In the end, teens struggle with many issues and I believe that they should be given more credit for how they are able to deal with them.

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