Teens Should Read in Their Free Time Essay Sample

📌Category: Child development, Psychology
📌Words: 506
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

With technology where it is today everyone has the shared experience of scrolling on social media mindlessly with nothing better to do, wanting the feeling of being productive without actually having to work for it. That's where reading comes in, providing the satisfaction of productivity while maintaining a leisurely quality. Many teens spend a great deal of time on social media, which as I’m sure you know is not good for them. Before I started reading for amusement I also wasted my time online and found that it wasn’t the best for me either. However, with reading as my activity of choice my quality of life improved. Regularly reading is constructive, and more high school students should engage in it. 

Many teens today don’t read for enjoyment, and those that do generally don't very often. One of the main reasons I found for this was that books strike students as boring because they have a hard time finding the right books for their interests, and simply see the vast majority of novels provided to them as overwhelming. Albeit there are many different genres and authors out there, this only naturally means that there are bound to be books that you will appreciate; you just have to discover what genres and authors appeal to you and tailor the kind of books you pick to reflect that. While this may seem intimidating, there are plenty of resources to further narrow your search, such as the internet, teachers, or librarians that can help point you in the right direction. 

As for why you should read, it endorses stronger academic performance in high school students.Monica Fuglei, a college professor in Colorado, recounts findings from The American Library Association stating “Students who read independently become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than those who do not” (Fuglei). Recognizing how constructive reading is to teens' knowledge only exemplifies the inevitability that those who read more would have an easier time excelling in their school work. The practicality of independent reading, in turn, presents a solid defense as to why more students should pick up the habit. 

Consequently with schoolwork comes stress and anxiety. So why not have a routine way of relieving said stress or anxiety? It has been found that common reading can restore mental wellness. In his article, Jo Buchan quotes a report from the National Literacy Trust citing that “children who are the least engaged with literacy are twice as likely to have low levels of mental wellbeing than their peers who are the most engaged” (Buchan).  Reasoning that kids more committed to their literacy have better mental stability than those that are less committed, Buchan justifies the rationale that reading is valuable to teens' mental health. This proof of typical reading being productive for high-school students’ mental wellness plays into the premise that it would be a favorable practice for them to indulge in. 

As a result the logical conclusion seems to be that more teens should read in their free time as it provides advantages academically, as well as promotes stable mental health. While acknowledging the perks presented above I urge you to consider working reading into your personal time and thank you for taking the time to look over my suggestion.

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